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About Ashes

  • Birthday 02/10/1994

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  • Real Name
    Ashley Adams
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  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. Right, for a college project i have been asked to produce an advertisement scheme for the olympics which so far ive carried out succesfuly only now, i need to print out some posters of dirrefent sizes and the college doesnt have the correct resources for the job. My question to you is, is there any online sites where i can send my work to and they will print it out so it looks like a poster that you would "buy" from the shops ? with the gloss finish and everything? Cheerios
  2. Hey guys been away a fair while since i've passed my test spending alot of time on other car forums and what not. I thought it would be interesting just to see what other forums you guys use if any Mine are .... Corsa-c.co.uk 106owners.co.uk and lastly frontarmy.co.uk
  3. Has to be the only way is essex and hollyoaks, suppose its a conversation starter with girls though besides, BOOOBBBBBSSSSSS
  4. T4 on the beach ............ BOOKED cant wait for that now.
  5. Ashes

    Rear Slick ?

    Thanks for the reply, what about if i attacked it with a stanly kniff then went over with a grinder ...... surely that would almost melt the rubber into shape ?
  6. Ashes

    Rear Slick ?

    Hi was just wondering if anybody could offer me some opinions on how to turn my now worn rear try - all tire? Is there any hints or tips you huys could offer me like how to do it more efficiently/higher quality ? Thanks
  7. you've ............ been ............. framed ? But to be fair that looked quite nasty and could've been alot worse.
  8. Might as well just chuck a tent on there for good measure.
  9. Cant wait till i can post a pic of my gf in here That will be the day
  10. Im keen for stuff like this, me and some friends had an idea a while back that we thought would be pretty cool but have never tried it Basically find a kinda pond, pool, lagoon whatever and basically set up a little floating platform to light a fire on and then push it out. Then find yourself something for each of you to sit on, whether it be an inflatable chair, float or what ever and kinda all sit by the fire ......... just out in the middle of a lagoon bobbing around as it starts to get dark Rekon it's worth a try??? lets be honest if there was a way to pull that off it would be the dogsssss
  11. Not acording to the met office
  12. Not that crazy, but the very best sounding by far
  13. Erm yes? but remeber to keep on the summer topic. That should've said "I'm also getting a sex change to wear my lovely summer skirt. That sorta out there?"
  14. Ahh sorry my bad, are you sure it updated its self though with commented on topics going to the top of your list? Maybe i just failed to notice this.
  15. Common guys, all sounds nice enough but i want to hear something really out there and new.
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