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Miles Mallinson

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About Miles Mallinson

  • Birthday 11/10/1994

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  • Real Name
    Miles Mallinson
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Nukeproof Rook Specialized Pitch Trek Roady Dawes Super Tourer Pashley 26mhz
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Location
    Fort William

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Miles Mallinson's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Made another wee thing a while back. Its called the Sliderer.
  2. Don't like being negative towards an obviously talented rider! But just because you can do a rock walk thingy to land in to a small down slope on your 30lb + 160mm enduro bike doesn't really mean you have to put it in a video, a lot of the riding didn't look very comfortable. Classic cliche's and classic trials rider riding a mountain bike stance; arse out, elbows rolled forward.
  3. To look after your forks without properly servicing them is pretty easy, after every ride clean and dry your bike and spray a little bit of GT85 or TF2 or any teflon or ptfe based spray to your fork stantions and around the seals, then wipe of the excess. Also check around your seals ever so often for cracks and wear, check your stantions regulary too for scratches or rub marks. Most lower leg servicing to suspension forks work under the same principles: remove the air, flip the fork upside down, remove the damper bolts at the bottom or any gubbins like rebound dials then the bolts, tap the damper rods through and out of their seats, then tip the fork back up right, you should then be able to remove the lower legs of the fork and the oil thats left will trickle out. Suntour rarely give service guidelines to what to do with your fork, it sounds bad but they normally make their forks as a kind of disposable item unless its their higher end forks. There are guidelines to what weight and measurement you'll need to use, but in a fork like yours its not such a problem using about 10ml-15ml of 10wt suspension oil in each leg because all its doing is lubricating and also giving you a little bit of damping. Make sure you clean the inside of the legs and then lubricate the seals (and the foam seals if you have them in your fork) with either a teflon based grease or specific lubricant like float fluid or judy butter. Then you can refit the fork with fresh oil. There are loads of how to videos on youtube.
  4. Cheers for that, the bugger wouldn't let me do it. Yeah designed it myself, needs a few refinements so I'm keeping this one myself. Getting a few folk to test some out for me when I get round to building the proper ones.
  5. http://vimeo.com/114813398 Been spending the grim nights building stuff recently. Here's my new camera jib thing. Hope you like.
  6. Yeah should have really, the weather is proper against us now though theres snow everywhere. The pontoons get moved about quite a lot so it would be nice to start again.
  7. This was meant to be about a 2 minute video but the idea fizzled out. Doesn't really warrant a new topic.
  8. Right, I've never broken my ankles. I've had a few minor sprains but thats it. But most of the time if I bail or take a dodgy landing and my ankles dip a bit I get huge shooting pains through the top and front of my feet and this holds me back from trying any thing silly. I've tried an 661 ankle brace and that seems to work decently but I have to do it up proper tight and it's pretty uncomfortable. Anyone got any ideas on how to either remedy this or any ankle braces that will help? Cheers
  9. Pretty cool idea, would be nicer if the trialy sections were a bit more natural but I guess thats based on the location. Some techy uphill sections would maybe keep the normal 'enduroists' level with the main trials boys. Kenny needs to get loose.
  10. If the Pashley dies then that's what will happen
  11. An angle test for a video that never was.
  12. Really nice style! Love the lack of correction hops. Ballsy hop on to that twig.
  13. Found a new spot today on the new mountain bike, will be revisiting as there are so many more lovely lines
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