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onza pro series guy

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Posts posted by onza pro series guy

  1. brakeless is fun. riding with brakes is fun. thats its really, its a toss up between the two, like trying to find out why some people use HP BBQ sauce and a few less use HP Hot and Spicy BBQ sauce. It all comes down to your own taste (punintentional pun there).

  2. Hi guys, pretty much as the title says, I'm looking for advice on how to get the brake runs and mounts off my inspired frame and forks. Shall I attack them with a hacksaw and play it safe or will that take forever and i should grab a grinder and a cutting disc? Anybody done it? what method did you use?

    thanks fellas


  3. nice edit, the head cam for the 'off-roady' bit didn't really work for me as i had no real sense of depth/height ect but other than that and the ms moviemaker bright red text quite a tidy little project... just out of interest whats with the 'thanks to killroy nation' at the end, didn't realise Sean was supporting riders....

  4. A little while ago I maxed out my overdraft buying a top of the range unicycle.

    I knew riding it around the bank would do me favours though; they've called me every morning since just to discuss my outstanding balance.

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  5. i dont understand why you lot are all so quick to slate, surely a bike that weights less and rides like how he wants to will ride nicer then a bike that weights more? if i had the money i would defo ride a lighter bike, it just feels nicer


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