Fat people are the summary of society. People believe they can do what they want, how they want, when they want. Can't work because your overweight, boom, disability benefit, develop diabetes, here, have this treatment. Golly, your to heavy for our facilities, lets spend a fortune on whats currently a minority. What ever happened to self dignity???? Why is it that years ago sprt in schools was standard? Now it's a big thing to get kids into it? Perhaps if there was more sport on the tele instead of PPV kids would see it and go out down the park and pretend to be gary lineker kicking a ball about or Robin smith next time they play cricket? To have got inspiration!!! The Olympics was proof enough surely? A few weeks of top class sport and how many people, of all ages are now interested in getting involved????
Smokers are as bad. I've been proper messed up with crohns the past few years and sat in hospital watching nurses work their arses off, say what you like about the NHS but the work those people do is monumental, for very average wages and, as I observed, very little gratitude from those who they helped. If you opt to abuse your body, you sort it out! That bullshit about the breast implants was a joke. Expecting the NHS to bale out a failed bid at vanity! Obviously, if a woman had them for reconstructive purposes after cancer etc that's different, but some divvy Katie price wannabe tart getting them done so they look good, tough!!!!!
this riles me.........