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Everything posted by sfboy

  1. sfboy

    Php - Wtf?

    Actually, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_SERVER, $_ENV and $_SESSION variables deprecate the old $HTTP_*_VARS arrays and can be used regardless of the scope. There is no need to import them using the global statement within functions. EDIT: So that's why globals should be turned off.
  2. sfboy

    Php - Wtf?

    Yeah, plus I never used to get data from forms, as long they had the same name tag as the variable. Now I need to use $var = $_POST[$var] what an arse! I guess it supposed to increase security but it means I need to modify all my pissing code.
  3. sfboy

    Php - Wtf?

    Legend, although I've never had to do this with any other host, bizzarre.
  4. sfboy

    Php - Wtf?

    This code is currently here <?php switch($op){ case 'h': echo "hello"; break; case 'b': echo "bye"; break; default: echo "no op switch detected"; break; } ?> now correct me if I'm wrong but whenever I go to http://mtbstatic.com/sc/ebay/test4.php?op=b the output should be bye and http://mtbstatic.com/sc/ebay/test4.php?op=h the output should be hello but the output is always "no op switch detected", this has never happened on any other host or am I just overlooking something really obvious in the code. http://mtbstatic.com/sc/ebay/test4.php' target="_blank">
  5. £362.53 https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...side&countries= 3.4% he will be charged + 20p (350) + 0.2 = (0.964X) X = 350/0.966 + 0.2 = £362.53
  6. I'm sure this picture has been posted before.... about this topic
  7. Looks like ftp passwords... not really that strange as ftp passwords are never encrypted. They all look to be real... scary stuff.
  8. Do you guys have qualifications in computing / website design? all very swish
  9. We all know you past a Maccy Ds on the way to the post office
  10. Is it me or have you contradicted your first paragraph with the second... hmm
  11. Wait it's on YouTube, hmmm.
  12. If you weren't in a wheelchair before...
  13. Is nations better than sunrise?
  14. Being left handed I always eat proper! I can't imagine not eating with my family at a table when I'm at home, even at uni I'll eat at a table with a knife and fork. My room's untidy enough as it without wheatabix all over the place. I really cannot believe you peoplewho eat from a tray... I bet it's microwave/ready meals too. Not Good
  15. sfboy


    This may just be bigger than grand theft auto, the UI is so good too. Amazing stuff from Maxis.
  16. Halo 2 is comming to PC, but you'll need windows vista...
  17. I use Backupz keep me safe from the blind car drivers and policepeople.
  18. Apparently it was the 87th greatest album http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placebo_%28album%29 O, and if the doctor ever prescribes 'Obecalp' he knows you just want a few days off work.
  19. Yeah me too, anything girlie Mountain Dew - love the stuff, they don't do it over here. It's not real mountain dew you know, so why are you blaming the Canadians? It's pepsi in green form.
  20. Have you just tried typing in a web address in, say, my computer?
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