I think the reason why no body has posted is as there are so many different options and you're really asking several questions in one plus one can’t post anything on this forum without someone calling you a dick if they know a way they think is better, faster or cheaper.
But here’s what I’d do:
1. Get you website done on your home computer. Create a new directory for making your website. This may seem basic, but keep it organised with subdirectories for pics, reviews etc. and then you just need to synchronize this with your website to update it.
2. Best programme to use is indeed dreamweaver. Apparently it’s available from PC World. I don’t know how you work but I read through the tutorials and then just google something if I want to do something specific. Ensure
you test your website on your hard drive by opening it in IE/FF before uploading it.
3. Get your hosting server service sorted. There are so many options here I won’t go into, but as a guide basic site with no vids will require 2GB bandwidth PM and c.100Mb storage. www.Agorahosting.com seem to have some good deals, but there are loads out there and you don’t even have to use a service in the country.
4. Register your domain. I use 123-reg , they’re pretty cheap and give you an online control panel that’s quite simple.
5. Change your DNS to the ip of your hosting. I haven’t done this in ages and it might not even be necessary.
6. FTP your site from your Hard Disk to your hosting. Again there are lots options for ftp clients (the programme you use) but I use smart ftp – it’s free for non-commercial use and is pretty decent. Make sure you put the file in the ‘www’ directory of your hosting server.
7. A complete year should cost no more than £30 (but it all depends on what you are after) (Y)