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Everything posted by onza_boi

  1. what song should i use for my trials vid that is moor drum and basefied pleas send me any thing that is coool but i dont want rocky type musik drum and base thanx reece
  2. what song should i use for my trials vid that is moor drum and basefied ?????????? pleas send me any thing that is coool but i dont want rocky type musik drum and base thanx reece
  3. how to i change the little box under my comment so like how can i put in green zoo! python?
  4. hi im reece im of riding 2 day at shipley glen if any bodey can go let me no because if no 1 says owt i wont go !!
  5. hahahahhahahaha ill try the industial astates
  6. where do u live m8? i think i might have to robb u lol no i might buy sum
  7. he Im Reece and Ive wondered where do you get all of your pallets I mean I've got like 3 but my friend gave me them so Ive just wanted a few more because Ive got bored on all of my small this I need to move on to big stuff thanx reece.
  8. ok thanks then guy for your help
  9. hi there im just saying hi and was stuck thinking a places to buy from i ride onza!!! thanks
  10. onza_boi


    jed that looks hard
  11. that bike has got red rims [drilled] hope breaks and white riser bars its my friend thats selling the bike thats a great deal buy it I was going to. reece thanx
  12. ive got a onza bird but wanting to get a better bike
  13. Really nice mate. Enjoyed that a lot just a quick one , how much did your bike cost or worth?
  14. ok ill go 4 a onza limey 3 with try all bike kit then
  16. alister clarkson it sponcered by tartybikes.com and works at tartybikes.com
  17. ryan crisp is very good! and he rides a rock man[blue] jack carty rides onza limey 3 and he won world uci championship
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