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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard
I did genuinely consider this after I heard something smash (think she threw a lamp at him) at around 5am a few months back in an alcohol fuelled rage. but he'd stormed out and left the house by the time I'd found enough signal in Wales to make a phone call.
TWO?! You must have lost a really serious bet. The only thing I'll say is post a video on here of you eating it, and for the love of f*ck do NOT touch your eyes or your dick after touching the ghost chilli. Soaking baby wipes in milk over night will make the following days a little more bearable on the ring according to someone I spoke to who ate 10 wings cooked with ghost chillis, not even raw ones.
No, because it's exam season... but in about 14 days there will be absolute carnage until 5am for a weeks time until we leave. Our house is too small to host a party, but we'll make it happen for the sake of their patio laying! I think they bought the house in a state, are renovating it every day as their occupation and plan on letting out to students next year. They are the first people to complain when we make noise past 12pm, but have no problem waking everyone up at 4am when they have a domestic after a night out or fire up their power tools at 7am. Take, Take, Take, Take!
Is it acceptable to start using a petrol tile grinder at 07:15 each morning? (including the Sunday and bank holiday Monday) My neighbours think it is, so much so in fact that they are running two simultaneously!
Ah nothing too crippling then, have you been given specific exercises to do my a physio? Good luck with the recovery Does anyone have any tips on reverse dieting? Finishing my cut, and looking to increase my calories back to a sustaining/ slow gains level- should I be doing this +50 calories a week or is that a little fast? I've lost around 5kg in 3 months or so, so I imagine my metabolism has adjusted and is what's causing my weight to plateau at 68.8 where I've been at for 3 weeks or so. Any techniques to rev it back up without putting a load of fat on again would be appreciated I would definitely say that the 'insanity' workouts are what you're looking for, they are a set of videos by Sean T (who although is a twat has actually produced a good series) for doing at home to focus on exactly what you're after with no equipment needed. The DVDs cost around £70 but can be easily obtained online, I followed it for around 3 weeks (increasing intensity so if you're fairly fit already start a little ahead) and definitely felt my strength and stamina improve as I progressed through the videos. Hope this helps
That's a bit of a set back dude, how long will you be out for? 105kg is a strong bench though, I'm aiming for 100kg by the end of summer- been doing a 5x5 and seen improvements
Not sure how you embed a Facebook video these days https://www.facebook.com/streetfx/videos/10155626533680112/?fref=nf
Your life is so hard x
A donation to TF with the money? or £80's worth of beers for Tarty days to hand out?! That shares the love I'm surprised nobody has jumped on this, the wheel would be no use to me unfortunately but my fav riding spot is Barrow Farm- not because the quality of riding is amazing, but because of the people who have been there the few times I've been.
No pics of the scratch? I guess after your curbing incident that's relatively minor
The G25 is the machine you want for this, my cousin had one with a full racing seat and setup and it was HOURS of fun.
5ft8 over here, been this height since I was 15 I was 68.2kg when I stepped on the scale last night, I know I should do morning weight but I don't own a scale I'll probably finish my cut after the next 4 weeks of exams are over, at around 67kg 13%bf and start reverse dieting to get back on that buuuuulk. I find regulating my diet at uni is so much easier than when at home so I'll keep on the cut until I go back. My squat is up to ~80kg now, which I'm happy with considering my legs are the most pathetic excuse for legs I've ever seen. Hopefully with a few more calories in me I'll be able to put on some muscle mass.
The general consensus of this thread was that you can't discriminate because of age, and that you can spot a poor advert when you read through it. You're 6 months too late!
It's not like you're asking for a day off without a good reason, talk to your boss and explain how you don't want to ask for it off and how badly timed it is. But ultimately the MRI is likely to do much more good than a single day off work will do bad
Crossing the road (in Swansea) earlier towards the gym holding a rugby ball, two lanes of cars at a traffic light. One is a 4x4 Police or 'Heddlu' car and the other is a gorgeous all matte black Audi RS4. Green light, and what happens? The RS4 does 0-120 ish flat out down this straight road. A joy to behold! The police car pulls into the gym car park, rolls down his window and stops next to me. He shouts, "You can't play with that ball here!" very angrily at me. Confused about what was going on I explained I'm not playing with it in the car park, I'm going to the gym. To which he calmly replied, "No I mean it's got an English rose on it, get a proper ball!" chuckles and drives off. Should he have been more concerned about the RS4 tripling the speed limit?!
To build an MX-5 for under £1000 that can contest some more expensive supercars, probably.
That definitely seems like a high volume training regime. If you're focussing on strength I can't see much point in draining yourself of energy and glycogen repping 50% of your maximum until fail, as you'll feel worse in your high weight exercises (say 75-80% of your maximum) which is where the real strength gains are made. You say you do a pyramid type workout on nearly every exercise stated there, which I'm sure is why you're not making the progress that you want. You'd be far better off scrapping the pyramids all together and focussing on heavy pressing and heavy compound movements but doing sets of 8-10 reps. It definitely seems like you enjoy high volume, so why not try out the superset regime that Isitafox posted on the previous page? On a slightly contradictory note*, I did a 2 hour leg session yesterday consisting of 6 exercises all done for 5 sets of 10 and my first ever go at front squats. My legs are aching today but I know there's more to come. Thankfully my BCAA's arrived today from MyProtein so I'll see if these actually make a difference over the next few weeks, but why is it fluorescent like anti-freeze?! *I find legs have to be trained very hard as they are big muscles and are used to moving a relatively heavy weight around all day, so this doesn't contradict what I said earlier!
You're right, I think most young people acknowledge that maybe there is a problem with immigration in this country and there needs to be tighter fringes dictating who can come here with which qualifications, but ultimately theres many bigger things that need doing before immigration even becomes relevant. A huge number of people come here for our free healthcare, the way we are going people won't want to because the NHS has been more and more pressured over the last few years with very little funding to accommodate those pressures. To base an entire party on their collective hate for immigrants is absurd, UKIP have such an unjustified following.
I read a statistic earlier that of a 70,000 people survey (not sure where they actually held it), over 50% were 18-25 and nearly all of those were students. If someone campaigned saying they were going to invest in science, research and innovation and anything that provided graduate jobs, whilst also not being retarded with their other policies I'm sure they would be up there with the main parties.
Are you doing volume or hypertrophy training? I feel if I'm doing volume I can push about 75% of what I'd normally rep for sets. Try giving yourself longer rest periods? An extra 60 seconds makes a massive difference Also, if you're fairly new to lifting you might not be giving yourself adequate recovery time- how many times are you hitting which muscles a week? Are you bulking/maintaining/cutting with your diet? If you're in a caloric deficit its very likely that you won't be as strong as you are when your body is properly fuelled. Nutritious food tends to be less calorie-dense than more proceed unhealthy food, so you tend to have to eat more of it!
Do it! Full stripped out they must be incredibly light ~850kg? lighter?
Woken up in a foul mood to next door building their patio (stone grinders and the sort) at 9am on a Sunday, wouldn't really mind if I didn't have a f*ck tonne of work due in on tuesday.
I had a low-carb monster and a slice of toast with peanut butter on before my workout today, and it was killer
Typing text is one of the few places that high definition screens make a difference IMO, if you zoom in a little bit on some text on a retina and non retina display you'll really see the difference. Granted they are overkill for looking at memes and watching videos of fat women fighting in burger king on YouTube and other daily browsing. ; )