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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. Finished my exams, 6 weeks of revising and now its all over
  2. Roller coasters have no crumple zones, so they came to a dead-stop instantaneously. Horrific
  3. The battery isn't completely flat, all dash lights come on and the engine tries to turn over so it can't be that flat. I'm going to bring my housemate to the petrol station here, so I can leave it running without someone jumping in my car and driving off, I don't trust Swansea. Then drive the hour or so to Cardiff, where I'll leave the battery terminal disconnected as you say to stop the slow drain. I'll as my neighbour if I can take his jump leads to Cardiff for tonight if it hasn't charged enough, I'll have to buy him some beers
  4. I think the car just takes a high current when it's off, with the alarm and shiz. The battery was new about 6 months ago and had the same problem before, something must be sapping the power. I'm going to risk the drive tomorrow, although I'll have to stop for petrol after 30 mins it should have enough to turn the engine over once... Right?!
  5. I drive it for about half an hour every week, if that. It usually runs itself flat after 6 weeks of not being started/very very little use, if that's of any use?
  6. Guys, my car has run out of electricity at university. I have some jump leads and need to drive from Swansea to Cardiff tomorrow which is about an hour drive. Will my car have charged enough by the time I get there to be able to turn over and get back? Or is my only option to go to a garage and get a charger?
  7. Stick with the 16"s and drop it down, it's the mile-long arch gap that's making it look slightly odd- and probably why the bigger 17"s appeal.
  8. Well it depends if the 'same shit' is good shit, if you like the shit that you have to do each and every day in exchange for money, then that's a winner. If you despise what you do then obviously you're going to think the pay is too low, but if you find a job that you find interesting and fulfilling you'll probably spend less time worrying that you're only on 0.14p per second you're at work.
  9. That's awesome Hippy! Out of interest what kind of 'training' will you be doing? I'm imagining extremely fiddly and intricate soldering, but feel like I could be completely wrong.
  10. I did this while I was at university, so suspended it for a few months. All that happened was they refunded me the money for the loss of insurance when my policy came to its natural end. Wasn't a hassle at all with Admiral
  11. PB seems to be frequented by children who have just been allowed on the internet. I was all set to buy some high rise bars from someone, asked him when I could collect (cash on collection, obviously) and received a message along the lines of, "My dad said I could hav these bars, now I'm sellin them nd he's pissed ov with me. Thx dick."
  12. I'll give it a go when I'm next in there! Does anyone know how quickly you should be progressing with a 5x5 workout on the bench press? I've gone up by 2.5 kg in the 3 weeks I've been doing it, is this about normal?
  13. A few HIIT sessions a week, and drop your calories down by 50 calories a week until you're at your BMR. As soon as you're in the caloric deficit, you'll notice you lose a lot of water weight and look leaner fairly quickly. Where's your body fat percentage at the moment? Ogre, what does 'bossing' on weighted tricep dips entail? I think I could do a 20kg for a few reps.. but I am tiny
  14. Late July/ August and I'm definitely in
  15. When the fact that he's paying makes a date more enjoyable, you know there's an underlying problem with you, not him*. *Well, maybe not this guy. He looks far too OG** to be in a friendly local pub. **Original Gangster
  16. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B009PSPFT4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 These are the ones I got Dann, they help me so much as I've got flimsy wrists. It was not being able to hold onto the bar that was limiting my lifts. For the money they are a definite!
  17. Went to the gym, but due to my gym closing at 4pm (ridiculous, I know) I missed back day yesterday so did a squats and deadlifts session today with the little time I had, and a quick abs workout at the end. Ended up doing 6 sets 8x100kg in the squats which felt heavy but I could probably slap on another 5kg. Then 4 sets 10x100kg in the deadlifts using my new wrist straps (which are the best £3 I've ever spent), had perfect form and felt like I was more in control. Really felt like I've made progress today, feeling good!
  18. But did she discover herself?
  19. That doesn't sound like normal roundabout etiquette How fast were you going?
  20. I was once told they were the framework of a lot of track specialised kit cars. Whether that's true or not I don't know, but I suspect not.
  21. I went there once, and the snow machine wasn't working and loads of diggers were out of order. Worst. Day. Ever! I'll be doing deadlifts tonight, hoping for 115kg for 5x5, not quite as impressive!
  22. Wow, that's much cheaper than I was expecting. Is it on a super limited miles policy? When I hit 21 I'm going to buy something fun like this, especially with insurance like that
  23. I really like the idea of owning one of these at some point in my life. :$ What's the insurance like on it Skoze? Does it qualify for classic car insurance and hence be cheeeap?
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