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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. Looks like you've taken some previous comments into consideration when you made this, and it's really paid off. I like the style and the set up you've got in this, very nice
  2. My lab partner is the biggest c-unit. Not only did he not do his share of the work (~6 hours) he also didn't tell me this until about 2 minutes ago, the lab is tomorrow morning. I'm listing him as a source of error in my experiment.
  3. @bike_dummie I have been really busy with uni so didn't get a chance to read your reply. Thanks for the detailed explanation, it does actually make a lot of sense and I hadn't thought of it in such detail. I really like the idea of post-pre workout nutrition Peanut butter is unavailable now, but is showing £4.99 for 1kg which still seems like a good deal.
  4. But if you take arm pump for example, too much blood trapped in the muscle = less power?
  5. I am. But pump is blood being trapped in your muscles rather than an 'increase of blood flow' so I don't see how it would increase hypertrophy. I'm not trying to argue, just literally trying to understand the reasoning behind it!
  6. The key to this question is that you know after a time, T the vertical displacement is zero. So working the vertical plane you need to find at which times, T_1 and T_2 the projectile has a vertical displacement of zero, one of the values will be zero obviously. After which you can use your non zero value (or expression..) of time into your horizontal component in order to work out v. I don't want to just give you the answer, but have a fiddle with these The equations of constant acceleration are: s=ut+0.5at^2 v=u+at v^2 = u^2 +2as s=((u+v)/2) t
  7. Thanks I can get a good 'pump' if I curl 6 pints of milk for a few minutes, that's obviously going to do nothing! Hypertrophy occurs because of progressive overload- if you're lifting heavier and heavier you'll grow. I think getting a good 'pump' is purely psychological, if a pre-workout allows you to lift heavier whilst also giving you a better pump, the pump is just a bonus.
  8. Can we go back to the 'bigger pump more gains' idea? Because that just isn't true, right?!
  9. Except it's got 300mg of caffeine per serving!
  10. Although it sounds like it could have a benefit, I don't think using something addictive is a great idea.. how are you meant to cycle it? It's the perfect product really, you have to do enough marketing for people to start using it and you've got profit for years.. I personally want to try Legion's Forge pre-workout, it's a company run by Mike Mathews who's got a very good youtube channel if you want to check it out. He basically created a caffeine free pre-workout using products that are scientifically proven to help lose fat when training fasted. https://legionathletics.com/products/supplements/forge/?kme=Forge Problem is that it's quite expensive, but I've seen some good reviews from it.
  11. Does nicotine not harden your arteries and have a generally worse effect on your body than a few mg of caffeine?
  12. Jealous! In other news I'm no longer paying for two houses, this has been hanging over me for months
  13. What is this all about? You buy a yearly membership and they send you vouchers? I've got to buy some bits within the next few weeks so should probably consider this. That's seriously impressive, no grip straps! You must have a deadly handshake..
  14. It's always worth a friendly conversation if you manage to catch them at their front door, just so they are aware you exist- that way they might think of you when they put the speaker against the dividing wall!
  15. My cousin has one and I can vouch for their fun-ness, ~180BHP in the top spec ones in a car that tiny means there's bit of fire under the 'daddy bought me a new car' spoiled teenage girl bodywork.
  16. The Abarth 595 is SO Jardo, you have to get it.
  17. You have such an easy relaxed style, really good to watch How's the injury now?
  18. @JD Those screenshots are worse than Dannnn's before/after car pictures.. What have you changed?!
  19. Tried Adrian Flux and companies that specialise in high powered/modded cars?
  20. I thought you could opt to not be found by anyone who's a member of a certain group, ie. Woodside School. It was impossible to find any of my teachers on Facebook, (not on dating websites though- lol) but as soon as I left they suddenly came up as suggested friends. Maybe it was the IT departments doing, but it was definitely not possible to find them.
  21. Welcome to The Sink Thread, I hope you have a plug hole filter.
  22. Annoyed was the wrong word, apologies. It's the way they have reported it I don't like, what he's made is clearly very impressive. The whole underlying message being that the education system stops young people from doing imaginative projects like these. I'd rather know more about the project than how he did in year 11.
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