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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. I thought he was still riding mod? seems to me he's seriously good on whatever he rides! respect
  2. ooh I feel a kent ride coming on! I'm near oxted, if anything happens
  3. looks a lot like the Sky 2! love it
  4. ok thanks, because I thought about some BMX riders.. and did notice that once they were famous/popular they released their own signature frames or companys. Something like Danny Mac is doing with the Inspired Skye. hmm thanks
  5. Just a quick question, how good do you have to be to actually earn money from trials? world standard, Europe standard? should I get practising ?
  6. work on your falling technique? most falls can be saved by jumping off the bike and landing on your feet the split second you know your falling.. but depending on what your trying to do falling off is bound to happen anyway!
  7. before you land try to tuck the bike up underneath you.. this should help level out your bike but on that sidehop it looks like you easily have the power to go to back, so there is no problem I have the opposite of this problem, as I always end up using my front wheel to pull me up.. good luck
  8. I actually stopped the video half way through and checked my speakers weren't f**ked up other than that, great editing and brilliant video
  9. he makes me want to ride stock! he's so smooth while being a beast rider as well
  10. i really enjoyed watching that It looks as if you ride brakeless all the time
  11. If I can work out how to get a train from london victoria, I should be down
  12. I ride a zoot and a mod, and just like you 2 weeks ago I felt like a streety 24 and bought a zoot. I find that it feels very heavy when lifting the front as compared to the mod, although manuals, wheelies and bunny hops are great fun! I havn't been riding it long, but as far as I can see it contests the inspired fourplay! Rides very smoothly and the V brakes are surprisingly strong I'd definitely reccomend getting one, but obviously try to get a test ride first Any other questions i'd be happy to answer
  13. whoever that was made for 'got money'
  14. Thanks man, i've watched loads of videos I rode a mates BMX a few days ago, no effort atall to hold the front off the ground.. I find it hard to keep my weight back, but thats just technique and practice i suppose good luck to you too mate
  15. wooooooaah! The streety moves on the mod were so smooth its unreal!
  16. Hey guys, i thought i'd post this in NMC because its such a little question. But anyways, I have bought an onza zoot to learn some more streety moves aside from all the TGS and i'm finding it impossible to manual.. I know that it can take years to master a really good manual but I'm having trouble initially pulling the front to a decent height. I have got a Trial tech sport forged stem and try-all rage bars. Would it make it easier to lift the front with a longer stem/higher bars? Or what can I do to make it easier to lift. I'm not a huge rider being only about 5"7 but i don't think its me any help would be great Oli
  17. looks nice I'l leave a nice comment for you Ali! although i dont like the front disk rotor, it hasnt got enough holes in it
  18. I met danny at the london bike show, and expected him to quite full of himself after releasing his "way back home" video. But he was surprisingly down to earth and happy to talk to me makes you realise that he is still a normal lad despite being a hero!
  19. Both of those are damn tidy! loving the red and silver colour scheme aswell Edit: Get some red hope reservoir caps!
  20. your ginger and rubbish! joking, that was good! some nice riding spots there too
  21. you deserve an extra testicle for that mate! It was insane! I was hoping someone would come running to your rescue.. At least you were wearing a lid I suppose
  22. I find that visualising how you want to do the drop, and imagining yourself landing it perfectly really helps. Although it sounds stupid, it has got me to do some pretty big gaps and drops. I agree completely with the above posts self trust is key! If you can happily drop off 3 pallets, then why cant you drop 4, its the same technique you have just built a mental barrier good luck! hope I helped
  23. Thanks it sorted it out for todays ride, but it has just started again? massively frustrating! I thought i had it sorted, and BAM its back
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