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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. I find music really distracting but I think I do need some form of low volume sound, since drives me a little crazy, any jazz you'd recommend? I'm going to experiment today with sitting and doing 20 minutes work, then having a 5 minute break and walking around/ making tea or something. So then at least all the time spent at my desk is spent working, rather than just assuming I've done enough to go on Facebook for a while.
  2. Hi guys, So it's gotten to exam season and once again it's time to chain myself to my desk and somehow read and retain the pages and pages of notes I've taken throughout this term. I make good progress when I'm focussed however this is no more than about 5-10% of the time that I spend at my desk. Most of the time is spent doing nothing, reading articles on things I don't care about, tidying, making trials-forum topics nobody is going to read and sometimes just sitting here having no thoughts at all. I know some of you here work from home/are self employed, how do you manage yourself to get things done without drifting off? Thanks, Oli P.S. Any tips on getting past the masturbating stage would be welcome too.
  3. I was listening to 'She Moves' (the first song) before I watched this, waited for the song to end and then hit play on your video. What are the chances? It f**ked me up for a while before I realised you'd used it too rather than me accidentally playing the song again!
  4. Without a doubt my Onza T-mag. I rode it every day after school, every weekend, every free moment I had was spent rolling around on it.
  5. Mines a bit generic but.. I'm going to try to train myself to wake up early and get into the gym, my mornings are so slow and groggy that it's now 1pm and I've just sat down at my desk. I'll most probably work till around 5:30 and then pretend that I've done a days work.
  6. Wasn't for christmas but earlier this year I treated myself to some Bose QC 25 noise-cancelling headphones. I can't justify buying myself anything more this year, but they are really awesome!
  7. Accidents happen all the time. Anyway, what are you going to do with that new one-series you're now lumbered with?
  8. Snaked, I came here to post this
  9. Looks like an awesome day out Adam, did you get through much rubber? Surprising how eager that thing is to wheelspin even in a straight line uphill at one point, around the 1:40 mark I think.
  10. So it turns out the lab report I have due that is 'recommended in LaTeX', actually translates to 'you can't get above 50% unless you use LaTeX'. Which is absolutely perfect seeing as we have never even been introduced to LaTeX or have any idea how it works. Today has been filled with anger, starting the day with absolutely no knowledge of how to use it and finishing the day having learned in 8 hours what I could have been told in a 45 minute lecture.
  11. This module is scientific computing you can't run code on a bit of paper! What's a CD?
  12. I had a copy uploaded, but wanted to upload a new one (which I assumed would overwrite the last). I think because so many people were uploading at that time it crashed, so I hit upload again (this time at 12:01) and it decided it would upload all three files. So my original is there on time, my improved copy is there on time and this f**king other one is there with a penalty. I've got to reason with my lecturer this afternoon and see if he'll not give the penalty. It's only a 5% penalty, not capped at 40% (thank f**k) otherwise I wouldn't have risked it. It is my fault though, I agree.
  13. University servers crashed while uploading my assignment at 11hrs:59min:30sec resulting in me getting a late penalty, great. My fault for not uploading it earlier, but I'm still very annoyed about it.
  14. Hi guys, I saw this advertised today, the deadline for an application is the 18th and I really think a trials rider could do something cool with it! Sadly I have no bike here and nothing to film, but I bet one of you could produce something good with it. Apply to borrow one for 50 days, shoot something cool and if they like it you could keep the camera. http://events.dji.com/osmo-free-trial/en/?utm_source=10ws.co&utm_medium=social-link&utm_campaign=10ways.com
  15. @Joeyeld Rejection on a Sunday, I submitted it at 5PM last night.
  16. I'm glad it's not just me that finds the process completely demoralising! Thanks for the advice, I'm sure I'll be posting in here again when I get same-day rejections from the firms I apply to
  17. Applying for internships is tedious, it also seems nobody can design a decent application page either. Don't ask me how my degree is graded, (ie. 1st, 2:1, 2:2) then demand I also provide my Grade Point Average, I don't f**king know. Anyone hold a major roll in an investment bank and fancy taking me on for 10 weeks?
  18. This is totally weird for me, I literally first heard of this film earlier and finished watching it 20 minutes ago and then this thread happened. How did they get money to make a second film?! Anyway, is there such a place where film makers go to find niche display teams for this type of thing? Seems very niche, I can't believe any movie maker has heard of the sport..
  19. In the UK maybe, but further afield it seems to be growing.
  20. Absolutely love the new reply notification that's coming up on mac, really nicely integrated
  21. Woah, well done for keeping that on the black stuff! Any idea what caused it?
  22. That's horrible to hear, really glad they were in a position at the time to take shelter.
  23. The things going on in Paris at the moment are truly devastating, I can't imagine what possesses people to cause such horror.
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