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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. It's when they stop squeeking you should be worried
  2. Pay a little extra for the HTC desire, and have a good phone and avoid looking like a goon It's a Win, Win
  3. go android, software is quality and it's not apple.. so you are free to put music on and off it to computer As for contracts or not, i would reccomend looking at Gif Gaf sims. They do quality Sim only packages https://giffgaff.com/orders/unlimited-web?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=ps-brand&utm_term=gif-gaf
  4. Quality Weekend! That fire was definitely needed though, Welsh weather is bloody freezing! Does anyone know who the guys in the green classic Mini were? They were there for the first day or two and were doing a roadtrip of the UK's best spots or something. I lent one of them a maggy, and the next day they had left. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they had forgotten, but I want to use it now Any help would be great Thanks to Matt and Adam for organising such a good weekend!
  5. ahh that blue sky picture is now my new desktop wallpaper
  6. rider in the second one was thomas tribulat? (correct me if i'm wrong ) He is one fearless ba***rd !
  7. speed trials would be a good thing to see in the new version although I would come last!
  8. that was impressive! too many gaps though
  9. song is Erase me- Kid Cudi great video really powerful riding !
  10. I cannot master the tap! Spent about 2 hours trying to get it right now!
  11. been looking forward to this for ages! Now its this or revise for my RE GCSE on monday
  12. ahh, i can't see why people use that kind of music for trials.. It just doesn't work
  13. This riding, in proper HD would be amazing!
  14. I tried chainless riding on a camping holiday when my chain broke, fakies are the most fun in the world! Although the amount of times I smashed my knees on the stem because I had forgotten there was no chain on probably makes it less worth doing Very inspiring video as well liked it!
  15. seems like you did the same as me what V brakes are they? the one on my zoot is s**t
  16. hi guys, wondering if any of you can help me I recently had my phone stolen (HTC desire HD) and because I'm under 18 my insurance that I was paying for wouldn't pay out. I eventually claimed on the house insurance.. So now I'm looking for insurance that will actually cover me as an under 18, but there doesn't seen to be any at all?! What do you guys have? Cheers Oli
  17. I ride a mod, but i use it to mess around on.. its great fun I would deffo ride other peoples bikes first to see what feels right before buying
  18. keep a look out on ebay, and on here then I got mine for a steal! £260 with hope hub, avid elixr, trial tech stem! But i did wait until one for that price came up patience is key..
  19. depends what your price range is really, for a bigger budget an inspired fourplay. But I have an onza zoot and its brilliant As for height it shouldn't matter as long as you put the right stem on it
  20. agree with the comments above about tights, but with control like that it doesn't matter at all! loved it
  21. That picture of Stan on the rocks, is there actually half a brake rotor?! or is it just me.. I had it as a background as well and always wondered
  22. looks really good raw! why the couple of red spokes on the front though?
  23. a bit over a year i think.. It's because i'm teaching him! Yeah mate! I've lived down the road from it for my whole life.. but never known it was there there is a lot of brambles and broken glass on the floor between the rocks (chavs ) but the council are sorting it, so its all good
  24. somebody leave a comment! I want to know what you guys think!
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