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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. Well this place has 90% feedback.. which means 1 in 10 people were dissatisfied. sounds dodgey to me!
  2. Great place to test it out! Looks really good!
  3. Link didn't work for me.. I didn't ride there, just fancied looking at the pictures
  4. That thing is so nice! is it me or do the cranks look really wide? Looks beautiful anyway!
  5. You can... Because this guy did!
  6. 0-60 in just over 2 seconds. 650 Hp What more could you possibly need, except a bike rack of course!
  7. Was just looking through the paper (I know, bit late!). But I'd have to say 10/10 now, as none of these horrific things are happening to me. My troubles are tiny compared to other peoples, feel pretty stuck up for putting 7!
  8. It's not about how tall you are, more about what you feel most comfortable on. Ride some peoples bikes and you'll know which wheel size is for you.
  9. you can't drink just tonic, get on the powerball
  10. That's odd, you really should decide on which foot (how you kick a ball or something)
  11. I used to get that, I used a powerball to work up the muscles in the hands/wrists/forearms and I think that's what stopped them cramping. Or you're gripping too hard.
  12. Ah, I was waiting for this to make an appearance. I think that Josh is a quality rider, but with a reputation (joint with Jack Harmer's) there's no chance in hell sponsors would like to be associated with people who promote or agree with stealing.
  13. So a tap then? This would be so much easier if you could find a video of someone doing one!
  14. FINALLY! Another pigeon fanatic on the forum! Do you want to go for a curry sometime and share our love for pigeon trials?
  15. Does look a bit too much like the Sky Although the headtube looks badass!
  16. I think the energy doesn't really show, because it's done with relative ease. Absolutely loved the mix of natty and street!
  17. I ride in Vans Skink mid-tops and i think they are much grippier with my platform pedals. 100 times better than my old etnies, and lasting longer too.. I'd recommend them
  18. I believe you mean 'Android is for clever people who are not willing to pay Apple-Tax!' Apple-Tax - is the extra amount of money you pay to have a little apple on the back of your phone, usually around £200 and is said to up your ego by about 100% This also demonstrates my point exactly! http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apple
  19. why is this not in the android market !
  20. if by "disk thing" you mean rotor size, you need a 160mm. Lets try to use proper english though You would also need to re-lace your wheel to a disk hub. Which could be expensive..
  21. hands as well, they wear out after a few days of riding.
  22. brake pads, if you get the wrong pads which i do a lot!
  23. awesome riding as usual Looks like you've got those brakeless sidehops down to perfection!
  24. The general trend on 24's is front disk, and either hs33 or disk on the rear. On my zoot I have an Avid Elixr on the front (which isnt ideal, but it does the job) You would obviously have to have the front wheel re-laced to a disk hub, but that would be worth it! http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/disc_brakes/avid_bb7_09/c12p10083.html that would be more than adequate as well. V brake on the back, as long as you get some good pads and V brake arms it will be perfect. something like this would do perfectly http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/vbrake_calipers/shimano_acera/c109p10985.html You also have the choice of using a V brake Evo kit, so you can fit a HS33. But these can be flexy, and probably worse than a well set up V brake. Hope this helps a bit.
  25. not bad, not baad! nice sidehop onto the deathbox
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