Right, first of all that bike does look really nice.
And Jack you do deserve what people are saying up to a point.. But we all know on here that is Jack needed something in the future, chances are you'd think twice about lending him something, but this is besides the point. The forum did successfully help Jack to realise that trials riders stick together, and realistically people would hate him (more than at present) if he didn't return it. Funnily enough I also met Jack, seemed like a decent enough lad. Until he had my magura and buggered off home. So that argument is completely invalid.
As for said 'much nicer magura', I admit it was a newer style lever with some used onza citrus pads. Didn't exactly put me in a state where I'd lend anything out soon, without some sort of security. And for the 'muuuch better brake, with pads, than the one the he originally borrowed (the one he borrowed didn't even work anyway).' The brake was of equal value to the one I lent, and to be honest I'd like the one I actually lent him back, because that's how lending works.
Matthew is just doing what you would expect from a community, he's helping out another rider. By doing the exact thing that made Jack send the brake back in the first place, by showing that people are actually on my side and won't just ignore it like 'OnzaKid' here. He also has a good point, if I saw someone lending something to Harmer I'd discourage them because it's happened to me. Yes, it was in the past.. But you can't steal a handbag and then a few weeks later approach the woman you stole it from and expect her to respect you.