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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. I struggle in this department too but only on the bench press itself. I can shift more using dumbells than on the bar- down to bad form I imagine. Nice work on the PB!
  2. Looking for tablet creatine, fish oil and a multivitamin. Heard that the My Protein creatine tablets are huge, I think JD (can't tag as too many JD's come up) was saying that a while back. Not sure what else to go for, will probably end up going MP anyway unless someone expresses an opinion. Fish oil wise, there seems to be a large range between the amount of omega-3 in them- do you just go for the one with the most? Holland and Barrett do one with 250mg DHA and EPA but I'm not sure if that's a good amount or not. Thirdly a multivitamin, not hugely fussy but would be interested in which ones you take/any opinions you have on it. Cheers!
  3. Without pictures of it to show the spec it's very hard to say definitively what it's worth, I spent 3 seconds looking on google and couldn't find the original spec but I assume it is fairly standard. As to whether you'd be able to sell it for the same price, the trials second hand market is strange as it is such a niche sport but if you found a buyer you could probably shift it for ~the same money. The question to ask yourself is whether you're likely to get £150's worth of fun out of it, it's not a huge sum of money to spend to get into a sport which it sounds like you would have fun learning.
  4. That was fun to watch, where was it shot?
  5. I totally didn't realise they were thicker *doh*. I'll get one if I decide to use the bike to actually get places- a ridiculous idea I know
  6. Firstly, welcome to the forum! Secondly a bike with no seat will be awful for getting home from the pub It sounds like you have a pretty comprehensive biking background so it all comes down to what you feel comfortable on, maybe have a ride on the justice and see how you feel? I'd have thought you'd be more at home on a mod (20") rather than a stock (26") however if you've been riding moto trials a mod is likely to feel extremely unsteady and twitchy! Where are you based? I'm sure someone near you would let you ride their bike to test it out.
  7. White bars looks far better, get that done!
  8. This would be possible but due to being a cautious fanny I want to use a wider rear sprocket on the rear like the TT to prevent digging. I'll just take the hit on pricing if it gets me back out on the bike it's worth it!
  9. Looks awesome! I wouldn't spray the forks black, I'd spray the bars white
  10. Thanks guys, I will most definitely give these a go. Never heard of isometric training, but I was once given a chest 'power gauge' I think it was called which was essentially a spring within a tube with handles at either end. The idea was that you squeeze it as hard as you can but you could never fully compress it, sounds like the same kind of principle. I will do some deadhangs now on the stairs and let you know what tomorrow brings!
  11. Just hit 6 sets of 5 on the deadlift at 120kg, which is a new PB for me. No idea what my 1 rep max is, but probably ~140kg which is double-bodyweight (~71kg). Really happy, but know that my lower back will closely resemble concrete when I wake up tomorrow
  12. TrialsIsHard


    Exactly. Here's the method I used. Step 1: Try lacing the wheel contrary to whether it should fit or not. Step 2: Seek advice from local bike shop where wheel truing = £45 Step 3: Get angry Step 4: Call TartyBikes Step 5: Send to TartyBikes anyway, which should have been step 1. Step 6: Success! In all seriousness, I had 3 quotes from local bike shops for wheel truing today and all were £40+.
  13. That is an option but theres a chance that I'll want to go for something slightly harder, say 22-15, which wouldn't be ideal with a 18t front sprocket. I'm going to hold out for a set of cranks and a bash ring on here, cough*anyone*cough, because my wallet can't really take a new set.
  14. This exact thing happened to me too, student loan + bikes = poor!
  15. TrialsIsHard


    Spot on! It is already common knowledge but Tarty customer service is number one.
  16. I was thinking the exact same looking at the Inspired I'm building. I thought the frame was bent because the forks are so slack!
  17. When I read the title of this video I thought to myself, 'this is a long shot but I really hope that's not Feather by Nujabes used in a trials video'. I love the song but to hear it with a freewheel over the top was painful, maybe the footage volume was a bit loud compared to the music I'm not really sure but it didn't feel like the riding and song where coordinated. Was the edit done before the song was chosen? The riding was epic however, silky smooth and polished. Looking like no effort was going into throwing the bike around at all. Different song and I'd have nothing but positive things to say. I think my attachment to the song has written this reply, so feel free to completely disregard it.
  18. TrialsIsHard


    Can I reuse spokes from a Spank subrosa to a Zoot rear rim?
  19. TrialsIsHard


    Thanks Mark, it's exactly as nice as I remember! I'd very much like to see what you'd come up with, I say do it.
  20. TrialsIsHard


    Tried using the search function but didn't get anywhere good. I remember @Mark W having an inspired a few years back which was a colour called 'smoked paprika' or something. Does anyone know if that thread is still around?
  21. I think many of these 'unlimited' data packages are subject to fair usage. I remember once being told that the service provider knows if you're tethering your phone, so if you had it tethered 24/7 they might ask questions!
  22. The thing that bothered me about Making a Murderer was the place of the documentary within the case, they had footage from very early on in the case- almost as if they were following him before he got convicted the first time. The documentary clearly sways the viewer towards Steven and certainly Brendan being innocent and by the end I was in virtually no doubt. Which is strange because unanimously the american jury voted guilty whether due to prejudices against the Averys or due to manipulation from the American media- but it certainly doesn't add up. If I've learned anything from this case is that if I ended up in a similar situation to Steven, the first thing I would do is employ someone to make a very gripping documentary about and pay to have it put on Netflix. There is no way this case won't be revisited now that tens of millions people hold an opinion about it. What better way for an aspiring defence lawyer than to work unpaid on the Avery case and get him out?
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