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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. Redbull are the best company ever, sent me two redbulls to get me through exams. Came at the perfect time, my last exam tomorrow and no motivation whatsoever!
  2. I properly enjoyed those videos, the street one more-so but probably just because it was longer. Why is Barcelona always so empty?
  3. Given the amount of money you paid for the Yaris, and how much mods like that devalue a car and make it shit.. you could end up with a car worth negative money
  4. I'm not knocking it all, they do horse meat biltong which is mega nutritious. I'm knocking Tesco being dishonest and not displaying to customers what's actually in their meat products.
  5. I'll be 100% putting an order in, I got 5kg's of chicken breasts and 30 steak burgers from another online retailer.. gourmet something? They were massive with no fat on them at all and didn't shrink whatsoever compared to the Tesco Value chicken breast I'm buying now. They were in a deal and cost as you say around 60% of Tesco's horse filled 'meat'. Edit: Dave, I'd be interested in an offer code please!
  6. The police won't take your word for it either I don't imagine. I'd hold out for paypal first as they can seize the money from his account and are generally very helpful, then if nothing happens get the police involved.
  7. Was intrigued about how thirsty the mx-5's are, and found a pretty cool little distribution of fuel consumptions for mx-5s of past to present. http://www.fuelly.com/car/mazda/mx-5_miata Just like to mention the 106 GTi is between approximately 33 and 35mpg
  8. I haven't seen them in person, but for me it has to be tomturd- something about him that does it for me.
  9. I am the proud new owner of 25% extra time in exams, I literally have no idea why everyone hasn't done this. I paid £12 for a doctors note, and then they gave it to me no questions asked. Winner
  10. does proof of purchase show the weight of the item? If so 2 CD's is much lighter than 2 GoPro's. I think PayPal will back you if you can prove the package came from him and has the corresponding numbers from his proof of purchase on. Shit piece of luck though Edit: this in in a13.1 (protection for buyers) on their website- For eligible items, protection is available for both items not received (INR) and significantly not as described (SNAD);
  11. Sorry to hear that Bing, nobody was in the car or hurt I hope? Looks like a write off to me, the damage to the chassis will be far more than what you can see..
  12. Or click here Edit: 100'th edit, got it right now I think can't embed, too retarded sorry..
  13. It happens to everyone to a degree, but mine seems to be a consistent problem that is making my coursework and exam grades differ by up to 60%. I've done a fair bit of research into it, and been to the GP to get a doctors note, and learned a fair amount about why it happens. Thought associations and whatnot, and the way to combat it generally is intrinsic and involves calming techniques and reassuring yourself that the exam isn't reaaaally that important. I have one tomorrow which is 80 negatively marked multiple choice questions, and I feel quite calm and confident about it.
  14. I decided to do something about it, and have gotten a meeting with Student Wellbeing about getting extra time in exams- to relieve some of the pressure. But that's the exact kind of thing I get, it's called exam anxiety according to the doctor. (bullshit I think, but if it means extra time.. ) Pretty unhelpful as my course is 80% exam, with 3 more years to go! The last year will be 50% dissertation, but I can't really hold out for that..
  15. I must have some kind of exam anxiety, as I simply can't do them as well as if I wasn't under pressure. I was presented today with a paper 80% the same as the one I based all my revision round and could do f*ck all with it, probably scraped 20%. All I could think of was walking out, and that it wasn't worth it. Especially as I've gotten nearly 80% in my coursework, meaning the exam isn't representative of my ability whatsoever. Completely disheartened.
  16. I'm not sure about the breaking down bit, but you definitely get less of the fibre from it. Which is why the nutribullet is so popular, as the fibre and pith and sh*t doesn't get filtered out.
  17. Was it in a 'very tasty way' as J.KYDD suggested?
  18. I saw that deal and the only reason I didn't buy it was be use I'll be going home for a week before I'd eaten all the food, reviews are really good on musclefood- especially as they aren't a huge amount more expensive than Tesco Chicken breasts for example.
  19. a 203 on the front of a mod? Won't that be lethal (probably overkill too), and really likely to get smashed?
  20. Mainly masturbation these days, but do go to the gym occasionally for strength.
  21. Have a like, quite like to see things like that pop up on my Facebook feed. That Shelby Cobra :$ But honestly, who's number plate is 'R8 OO YEH'- I want to stab that person.
  22. This, every time! Never pick a value though, because even if you say 'you'd get £20 for it'.. That's 40 Richmond super kings, and in most of the ratty people that ask that kind of question, is worth stealing the bike for.
  23. My housemate is also stopping, mainly for money reasons though- the cost itself and the increased food bill is eating away at his money Edit: Pardon that god-awful pun
  24. Just managed to get a mark changed from 1/10 to 6.5/10 by going to see my lecturer and doing a bit of work, really chuffed as it was doing my grade average in the bum
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