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Everything posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. I've had 104 grams of protein today predominantly from tuna steak. Is this the ballpark protein intake that helped you? Felt great in the gym today and did a 2 hour chest workout, I still think this will be a painful one.
  2. I like it, it tells me that I've definitely nailed the workout.
  3. Check out the Oneplus One, powerful as fook and really cheap for the spec. You can only buy it on tuesdays atm though, or with an invite from someone who has one. (Spode)
  4. It's always two days, I get that really badly in my chest. First day feeling good, little bit achey when stretching. Second day, flexibility = zero, pain = MAXIMUM!
  5. Yeah don't fret about ordering from Musclefood / Westingormet or any popular store of that kind, their food is much higher quality than the supermarkets and more than likely arrives at your door fresher than when you pick it off the shelf in Tesco. I bought 20 rump steaks from muscle food a week ago (couldn't use refer code on top of deal, sorry Dave ) and they are equivalent to a steak nearer £8 from the supermarket, which I got for £2 each.
  6. I did this twice over the last two days, it's so good! fat-12g carbs-36g protein-31g 370 cals, perfect lunch!
  7. Thanks for the reply, the VXR has 800 miles on it - so it's spanking. I'm looking to not fully track ready my car but to give it much more poke and improve its handling, so I'm forming a list of things I need to do/buy (any advice on what will make the biggest difference would be appreciated here). Main focus to be an aggressive cam, remap, lowered/stiffened and probably bucket style seats. [i'm a noob at this, don't kill me]
  8. I took a ride in a Corsa VXR Nurburgring the other day, and it felt SO planted much much more so than my 106 GTi- is this likely to be down to completely rigid bushes? Obviously a load of other things come into it too, but seems like they are game changers. I've never looked at mine, or even know what's in there. Sounds by the feedback on here that changing them to something stiffer would make the world of difference. [in before 'it's the French's fault']
  9. I have all these things at my disposal, presumably a baked sweet potato, and the tuna mixed with a little bbq sauce? My housemates were raving about tuna, baked beans and cheese earlier.. Are they having me on or is that good? I can't see tuna and baked beans working.
  10. could you put tuna mayo on a ryvita? Tuna with a small amount of low fat mayo is the one
  11. I've never done deadlifts, but seen people doing them in the gym and as far as I know that's not bad at all. Obviously it's all relative to your bodyweight but if you could 'easily' stick another 10kg on that, do it! I've been getting into training over the last few weeks and getting into a good rhythm of going 3 days on, one day off. Still trying to get back to a place where I was 3 years ago which is depressing.
  12. That's heroic! Car does look lovely too, no reason why you should lose out on it due to a silly bank transfer restriction.
  13. Double decadance is so rubbish, why were you ordering that anyway? I have a hangover this morning, and 2 extremely important lectures to go to.
  14. Every time I log into Natwest online banking they insist on posting an activation card to my home address not my uni one, so it takes me 7 days to log in to do the most basic transaction. Thankfully they aren't my proper bank, and just a group account to pay bills and stuff, but it's f*cking annoying as there's £65 in there that's mine.
  15. Watched it in the student union with around 400 people dressed as police officers and sheep- seriously enjoyed it, come on you England! I think there's hope, but I'm not putting money on it just yet.
  16. I passed the easiest module of my 2014 exams
  17. Not sure I understand, are they premium quality dog collars and leads for pugs? Website is looking very clean though, hope it goes well for her! No indication of the standard of boobs yet Dann, but I went to the trouble of face booking her and her profile picture seems to be put there entirely to answer your question
  18. That's really good news, what was the competition and what's her business idea?
  19. I don't know why this is causing you so much trouble, I switched from Orange to T mobile last year (both owned by EE, probably why it was so easy) just called up paid my £6 and it was done in 12 hours. On a Nokia Lumia 920, no pretty much nothing like your situation..
  20. 'Word on the street iz' that if you get it done illegitimately the phone is basically just jailbroken and unlocked that way, which is possibly not what you're after as it invalidates warrantee and whatnot. Hopefully someone with more experience will provide some real information.
  21. Dannnn227027 I'm the same, haven't been sick in about 12 years and I just wretch. Tried 'fingering myself' as my friends eloquently put it, doesn't work. The closest I've gotten was Jack Daniels in a beer bong the morning after a heavy session. Next thing to try is drinking salt water, but if that doesn't make me sick and stays in my stomach I'll have the worst day ever. This topic has gone off course- I don't have a female currently or anyone I can post a picture of and not be a weirdo. So here's a picture of Rachel Riley because I love her.
  22. I've finished my exams, I'm already drunk.
  23. I thought most electric doors have a manual over-ride button? The ones at Waitrose certainly do, so you can walk out of the 'in' doors and look badass.
  24. This could have been good if they actually focussed on their style, instead of 'crowd-pleasing' and throwing another footjam whip everywhere possible, it looks messy. I don't know if it's Yohan or Thomas, but one is doing their 180's from rolling backwards unnecessarily high and it's probably ruined my entire day. (probably)
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