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Posts posted by TrialsIsHard

  1. All really helpful stuff, thanks for taking the time to trawl through and reply. :)

    I've signed a contract on the house for next year with my current housemates + two more people, which at the time sounded like a decent idea. But I would be able to find someone to take my place, it's a nice house in a popular student part of Swansea at a reasonable rate.

    I do want to join some societies, such as the go karting society and maybe a social sport just for meeting people but this will have to be next year.

    I think my best option now if to knuckle down on my course and really focus on getting these exams done properly, I'll spend as much time as I can working independently in the library/anywhere my housemates aren't blasting grime/trap (these are genres of music for those fortunate enough to have never come across it) for all hours of the day.

    If I do well in them I'll look into switching universities or seeing which options open up to me. Personally I'd really like to be at Cardiff, as this is where one of my really close friends is and also a few clubs that I really enjoy going to. But I appreciate it's a much better university and chances are they would tell me to f*ck off!

  2. The problem with homemade protein brownies/flapjacks is the protein shake makes them rubbery as f**k. I've tried loads of recipes and none have been brilliant, edible but only out of convenience.

    That explains why there is such a market for them, I'll give some a go at the weekend and report back (Y)

  3. Hi guys,

    Before you get into reading the sh*t I'm about to write you should probably understand this is a bitch about how my university experience has been so far, and you'll probably want to slap me by the end. (Y)

    I'm currently coming to the end of my first year at Swansea University studying Physics, this wasn't the original plan but after being lazy at A-Level this is what had to happen. I always wanted to study physics however, and have an interest in the physical parts of the course- not so much the lectures on maths, maths and maths. Although that being said, I do have an average ability at maths I just don't enjoy it. My course is hard, there's no two ways about it and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about changing to something less life-dominating but the thought of an extra year an £9000 deters me.

    I'm not big into 'going out, getting smashed and pulling bitches' as my simple housemates are, as they seem to remind me 3 times a week when they go clubbing. I do enjoy a night out with friends but standing in a circle in a crowd of people listening to drum and bass/trap/dubstep is probably the least enjoyable thing I can imagine. I think my experience here depends a huge amount on the people I'm spending time with and is probably the source of my despair, but I do feel like my experience here is not the 'best 3 years of my life' as everything I read online seems to echo. And I'm yet to meet anyone that I can see myself in contact with after the next 2 years are over.

    The highlight of my days seem to be getting into the gym and then settling in for a night in front of my laptop.

    I know many of you currently attend or have attended university, so any stories/experiences would be really helpful. Any sort of response would be appreciated actually as I've kept this to myself for about a year, probably time I did something about it.

    Thanks :)

  4. I saw Furious Pete do a '500g protein mega brownie', but he used protein chocolate cake bars as part of it which basically ruins the point of making it yourself.

    This recipe looks pretty good, never given it a try however so don't take my recommendation over anything else you might like better!

    Batch of 4 large:

    Calories: 767kcal

    Protein: 68g
    Carbs: 68g
    Fats: 26g
    Fiber: 13g

  5. I don't get paying a premium for these everyday foods with the label 'high protein' on it.

    A brownie mix would cost you around £1.50, add 10 scoops of appropriately flavoured whey and boom you've got brownies with approx. 30g protein on them for the price of one packet of high protein crisps.

    • Like 1
  6. If its a Mac i got an unlocked copy of office.

    It's good, but it's not quite Carling.

    I had office on my mac for doing a lab report and hated every second of it! Look into Libre Office Ali, it's an open source software (for mac only) and has had years of improving/updating and in my opinion is probably the best word processor on the market. Oh, and it's free :P

  7. These creatine tablets are surely unnecessarily massive?! Feel like I've put weight on just through the fact you have to have 5 of them each time!

    5 each time?! You only need 5g of creatine every day, I've seen plenty of articles that say the 'loading' phase is bullshit and you just need to take a regular dosage throughout.

    I'd look into the actual creatine content of the pills and try to estimate 5 grams, presumably they have many other things in them but 5 pills seems like a ridiculous amount!

  8. They should bring back validation and make this section private to be honest

    Anyone that googles your name (in your sig) for a pre-job interview is in for a massive shock! ;)

    I think it would come up on google anyway?

  9. I think it's more the stretching of the legs than the abusing of the muscles causing the problem. As you said it happens after you've had your knees by your ears and then stand up- you can hammer your muscles within a normal range of motion and all will be well, its when you overstretch them that the popping occurs.

    Probably nothing to worry about as it's not painful, the body tends to let you know if something isn't right!

  10. I noticed this today actually (first time I've had it), doing a heavy leg press in the gym which is more or less the same movement- a thrust forward with the legs.

    It was a popping sensation in the tendons/ligaments in where my femur joins the hip, not painful as such but I could feel it more when my legs were fully extended. I haven't done anything too heavy in a long time so I assumed it was down to my legs not being stretched/put under that pressure in a long time. Is that a similar situation to you?

    Not too sure there's much that can be done about it apart from regular stretching.

  11. I feel less angry now after reading that! Hahaha, make sure you sterilise everything! ;)

    My housemate is taking a 40 minute shit in my en suite, after claiming to just want a shower. I will have to deal with the repercussions of this for the next hour or so while the smog clears.

  12. That looks like flaky paint so much! Still mega unlucky, maybe you should stick to the middle of the road ;)

    In semi-related news, I have my car parked on a pretty steep slope near my uni house and I spotted a guy parking literally an inch from the front of my car. I walked past slowly and there was no contact at all with ample space for me to reverse out, can't work out if I'm really angry that he was so close or impressed he managed it without touching.

    • Like 1
  13. Did some heavy bench press today to try to gauge where my 1RM is, managed 85kg which I'm pretty happy about seeing as I only weigh 70.4kg :)

    Supplements wise I take multivitamins, fish oil, creatine and whey isolate. Personally I don't think I would take any more than that, except maybe a pre-workout if oranges stop working their magic. (which they won't because oranges are the best).

    I think a pre-workout which gives a placebo effect is probably the best pre-workout there is, so much of bodybuilding is in your head that if you can get fired up without actually filling your body with random stimulants and general poison you're onto a winner.

    • Like 1
  14. How is your mum so familiar with the managers at M and S? ;)

    Danns right, Martin is probably very happy with himself as his name has been mentioned when he's not budging from their challenge 25 policy- despite it being a douchey policy anyway.

  15. Just got an insurance quote of £680 for the GTi, being a 19 year old at uni with 2 years ncb- I am absolutely thrilled!

    My last quote was £1050 about 6 months ago when I was living in safe old Kent, how does insurance even work?

    • Like 1
  16. Pushed chest press to 60kg tonight from 50kg last week woooooo I'll be on 110kg to beat ogre soon lolol

    That's a big increase, chances are that you've got the muscle power but you've conditioned your central nervous system to deal with the weight. Otherwise that's a mad 20% increase in strength!

  17. Pretty f**king chuffed with the gym on Tuesday. I wanted to test where my 1RM deadlift has gotten to and pulled 200kg. The initial pull off the ground was slow, but the rest of the lift was eeeeeasy, so I reckon I could pull ~210kg if I can get the leg drive sorted.

    I wanted to test squat today and aim for a 170kg lift, but I accidentally went out last night and now I'm feeling a touch rough, and I'm going skiing this evening so won't be able to lift for a week :(

    I'm skiing too on Sunday, my chalet has a 'gym' but I don't imagine it will be anything heavy enough for a workout. Probably just a spin bike and running machine.

    Excited nonetheless :)

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