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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. I tried adding pictures and it said they were 2 big!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I think you have done well to stick with it i used to ride with one of my mates and he stoped, so i just ended up stopping to. So i prais you for sticking with it and doing it by yourself Good man
  3. Ive just started riding again about a week ago after having about a year out. But before i gave it up i had been riding just over a year. I dont feel uncomfortable riding the bike, I just feel its abit heavy some times especily as my first bike was a 20inch and lighter than my current bike.
  4. I am currently riding a Zoo Pitbull 26 inch frame and the bike is long, i am only 5ft 6inc tall and at the minit i can pedle kick up 4 palets and can side hop up 5. Would getting a smaller 20inch bike help me improve more and be able to jump higher? Any ansews welcom Matt
  5. I made the mistake in getting a T - Bird as my first bike with a 20 inch back wheel and i got through so many inner tubes so, if it has a 19inch back wheel then its a good price. But if you are abit of a bargin hunter like myself thyen you could wait for the right bike and get 1 for about 50, 60 squid.
  6. I feel the same way as you some times am 170cm tall and i ride a 26 inch long bike and my mate say i should get a 20 inch bike. but i can jump higer and further then them on 20 inch bikes, so i think you made the rite choice in bike size
  7. i have a grinded rim and i use tar on it aswell ive fornt thats the best for not slipping, but the tar isnt that good in the wet.
  8. I run rim breaks on both i had a Hope front break and i kept smacking the disk as i am very clumsey and try stupid stuff so if i was you i would go for rim breaks on both.
  9. I feel a bit of a retard but how do you add pictures??????????????????
  10. What every you do dont get a Onza T bird that was my first bike and i go throught so many innertubes Get a bike with a 19inch back rim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. LoL my chain snapped today so am going to buy a proppa one this time not a shitty cheap 1 LoL mine snapped today but it was a cheep 1 so am goint to buy a betta 1 this time
  12. Hi am Matt i have just started riding again after about a year out was wondering where everybody else rides???????????????????????
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