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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. Yeah i get what your saying but to me this inst a stupid topic, so when people say its stupid, it realy pisses me off . like the answers ive got have been helpfull as at the minit am running about 50psi so now am going to try less and see if it helps.
  2. I agree with this coment. I joined this forum to ask questions and gget some good answers which would result in me improving my trials skills. I didnt expect to get replies like ive been getting am starting to think this forum is full of Nobs to be honest.
  3. LOL ive noticed all them members stick to gether and thanks.
  4. Trying to help would be giving me an answer to my question. NOT a snotty coment like you made. NOB!
  5. if its the Zona on ebay then my mate is bidding on it to mate lol
  6. it depends what onza bike you want to compare to the zona. if your on about compare the Zona to a Onza T pro then i would go with Onza T pro its a well balanced good starter bike.
  7. Onza, Monty , Zoo and Echo are the makes of the bikes, and then there are diferent types of bike within the makes. But if you are just starting Onza are the best to start on because they are cheep. But if your ritch then you mise aswell start with a decent make bike such as a Zoo one or Echo. Hope this helps i wasnt sure what you question was / ment.
  8. I did reed the rules i do realise, am just asking questions i want to no the ansews to NOB!
  9. This might not help but i fount when i rode every day i didn't improve very much, and this knocked my confidence. But when i rode like twice a week I seemed to improve quicker and was able to do better stuff. If you ride alot I recommend you give it ago it worked for me.
  10. I have always used just normal hoses on my bikes, and at times they have cracked and ive had to have a new hose. I have read that this doesnt hapen with braided hoses. But i would like to no the advantages and disadvantages with both types of hose.
  11. I would love to do Downhill but i live in Lincolnshire its like the flattest county so its not realy posible, and the bikes cost a BOMB. but it looks amazing.
  12. I will havr your bike if that other guy drops out

    i will give you 135 posted.

  13. My mate i ride with has a Onza T Bird and its not the best of bike to be testing if i get a new one it will be a helf decent one, not a crappy one. But thianks for the idea
  14. I would like to no where everybody rid yesterday, and what they did while they were riding. Yesterday i stayed in my Village Saxilby and spent most of my time jumping up and down pallets, them moved on to some walls , and finaly I went to this abandand office where i practiced on the obstical course ive built. let me no what you did.
  15. Well IF you put it on the search box you would no nothing comes up.
  16. My mate had the same problem, what he did was buy some Platform Pedals they were bigger then the ones he was using and his feet sliped of alot less. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/search.php?category_id=23
  17. I had the same problem once what i did was cut it of with some snips then i filed it downtill there was no sharp bits showing. ( Just run over it with your finger to see if its smooth) then put a piece of tape over the end for extra protection. It worked that well i kept the tire on and kept my new one for when that tire weared out.
  18. I have been rinding in total just over a year and i have tried all diferent tyre presures is there a best tyre presure????
  19. Thanks for the reply mate yes they are what am after other than the two big stickers I would prefer to saz ZOO! instead of Neil Tunnicliffe.
  20. I took all the ZOO stickers of my bike, as i thought it would look better. But now i want to put the stickers back on the bike. The bike is a ZOO pitbull so does anyone no where i can get some ZOO stickers from. I have already looked for them at tartybikes and asked at my local bike shop, I dont no where else to look
  21. Thanks for your help mate in now have a profile picture
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