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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. You could have a smooth rim ( like a rim comes when its new) With rock solid pads wont squeek but will slip, so your in a loose loose situation.
  2. Never thought about riding there looks good, how oftern you ride lincoln?, I want to ride there more but dont fancie going by my self, and my mate doesnt like going.
  3. What PSI is ur back tire? it looks like you have a puncture lol But very nice pics.
  4. Now got the V break on the back it is amazing, dont think i will go back to hydralics soon. I didnt set the brake up properly to start with did a pedal kick and back planted, then i spent a couple of hours adjusting it to get it right and not its just amazing. Thanks Ali C
  5. I lubed / greased the peadals whatever you want to call it and they are fine now
  6. am going to when i have the money, I quite like the tyres there bouncy.
  7. This is what i do no but there are bits on it i dont no what they are. Zoo Pitbull 04 frame, Middleburn RS7 crank set, Onza Hogniesium pedals, Hope rear hub, Echo TR Rear Rim, DDG front hub, Onza Rim, HS33 05 rim rear break, standard V front break, DMR front fork, Guess stem, Onza T-master flat Handlebars, Onza sticky finger tires.
  8. I think it looks good especially for the price Ebay Bargin.
  9. The best music you can listen to is definatly AQUA Barby Girl its just amazing
  10. Thanks for your reply that has helped me alot and you have persuaded me to give them a go, I am goint to go with the spec that you use on tarty bikes. Unless you sugest otherwise.
  11. I have recently just broke my hydraulic rear break and its the actual leaver that has broke as to replace it it's going to cost about £50 - £ 60 to replace i was considering putting a high quality V brake on the back. After looking on Tarty Bikes for everything i want its going to cost about £95 but i dont want to spend this money if a V brake is no good on the rear. So i would like to no if anyone runs a V brake on the rear and how good is it compared to a hydraulic rear brake? The only reason I am considering a V brake is the fact am unlucky with the hydraulic brakes and I brake them regually mostly its just the pipe, but its such a ball ake to fix . So i would also like to no how oftern do V brakes break.
  12. Yes if i was you i would go for a 2nd hand bike, as they are cheaper and then if you decide you dont want to stick with it you wont lose as much money. What i would also advice is getting a bike with a 19inch back rim, as my first bike had a 20inch and i got through so many inner tubes. But it depends how quick you think your going to improve if you think you are goint to be slow then you could get away with a bike with a 20 inch back rim as you wont be doing the stunts to pop your inner tubes, but if your abit like me and come from a biking background i would get a biuke with a 19inch back wheel as you tend to improve faster.
  13. Yes this is good advice, but when you have mastered the pedal hop and you are slighly better. What i did was go to them raised bus stop curbs and practice pedal kicking up them. It took me about a week to get good at it and be able to do it every time, so if at first you dont sucseed try try try again. In my oppinion a bus stop curb is a good benchmark height and will help lead you on to bigger thinks.
  14. I was going to but then i bust my back brake so am not anymore.
  15. Well if it did get put in the olympics it would probably be are only garenteed Gold lol.
  16. At the moment I am using Onza Hogniesium pedals they tend to creak alot ( everytime i pedal ). The Pedals are about a year old and are in ok condition with a few scratches, they feel smoth and comfortable but the creaking is realy annoying Does this mean i need new pedals? Or is there something i can do to the Pedals to stop them creaking.
  17. When i used to skate we built a whole skate course in this abandand office block it was shit hot, mainly because od it got you out the weather and was alot walmer. I also built a trials course in there to and it was good also. but then the whole building got trashed as more people fount out about it. So yes i think it is a great idea but i would keep it on the low down so you dont get dick heads go down and trash it.
  18. LOL io cant belive that you sent him the break before getting the money, bet you havent made that mistake again.
  19. Its good to hear that Trials is being done all over the world, its just getting bigger and bigger
  20. All i no is that all his vids on you tube have tarty bikes on them, i just thought he quit because he hasnt brought a new vid out for a while, and like i said his no longer on the tarty bikes riders list. But i love his ride stile, his just amazing.
  21. How are you still a Pre Member your a legend lol. And also well done.
  22. After looking on tarty bikes i noticed that Joe Baxter is no longer amongst the riders, so i was just wondering has he quit trials.
  23. yes i appreciate what you are saying and i thank you for saying what you did, but am just the type of person that likes to get my point across.
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