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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. Its shit am more old school and my favorite is still 4
  2. Am goint to Uni in september Hopefully Lincoln if not Nottingham am goinng to be doing Architecture so will be at Uni about 7 years, Long Time.
  3. There is a hole for it to go in the quick release system and then there is a lip on the other sidewhich pushes in to the frame so that it doesnt move, and my uncle made it hes a welder. And to be fair my derailleur hanger kept bending that oftern that if the quick realease does brake then it wont bother me as i would have saved replacing the derailleur hanger many times.
  4. I got sick of snapping or bending my Derailleur Hanger as a result of side hooping and not making it up objects, so i have designed something that stops my Derailleur Hanger from bending or snapping, ( works a treat ) Just thought i would post a pic of it so if you have this problem then you can get someone to make a thing like mine and solve the problem.
  5. What i did was when i learnt was started on trying 3 pallets as when i tryed doing any less i just put no effort in and couldnt do it but when i moved to someting abit bigger it gave me the motivation to try, but this will depend if you have the same problem as me where you think things are to small to bother trying. I will also state that when i tryed learning how to side hop i could already pedel kick quite high, so if you cant pedel kick that high then i would stick with the small objects and work your way up.
  6. I will agree soon as water gets on it, it wears off super quick, but i carry a spare piece with me so i can put more on. Look what i fount, on tarty bikes. Monty Brake Spray £5.00 x 2 Description - Great little brake-improving invention from the original BikeTrials brand Monty! - We've nicknamed this stuff 'Tar in a Can', and it's really useful to improve your brake instantly! - Brake spray is extremely easy to apply and works great in all conditions. - The main thing to bear in mind is that you only need a light coating - too much will make your brake worse! - Simply dry/clean your rim off with a clean tissue or cloth, lift the wheel off the ground and spin it. While its spinning, spray a light coating on the braking surface, and then scrub it round with your brake pads. Wait a few minutes for it to dry and you're away! - Sold in an easy-to-use single aerosol can.
  7. Sorry about last pic was shit hope this one is better As you can see in the picture there is quite alot of a bend from where the cable leavs the frame to where it goes on the calliper, at the back you need to try and reduce this angle for the brake to feel better.
  8. As you can see in the picture there is quite alot of a bend from where the cable leavs the frame to where it coes on the calliper at the back you need to try and reduce this angle for the brake to feel better.
  9. Did you go to Lincoln today?

  10. I agree at the moment my cable has a sharp bend in it as it runs down the frame where it leavs and goes to the back brake and when i brake i feal the cable rubbing. Its not ideal but i put up with it. But what you could use are some cable guides ive never used them so dont no how good they are but here is a link to them. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10896&category_id=5
  11. Mate you sond like a willy, How was i trying to be a "smartass" ? Am not a retard i no that wont work, but for me a very thin bit of tar on my rear rim helps my braking. I cant belive no one else uses it.
  12. If its in good nick like it looks, and has no dints or cracs then its prob worth about 200 to 300 depends on what someone wants to pay.
  13. I no you said that you want to do it yourself, but if i was you i would just send it of and get it done by a profesional, as your rim is very important part of the bike and is complicated to do, but if you realy want to do it yourself then the advicealready given is good.
  14. The reson i asked is the fact that i use tar on my rims with my rear rim brake time to time so was just wondering if you could use it with disk but ov's not lol
  15. o rite might go both days then will depend how i feel, and the weather.
  16. Am riding lincoln tomorow if the weather is good, getting in for about 12, was just wondering if anyone else was riding there tomorow and where and when?
  17. Althought i dont have a Disk brake on my bike and dont intend to get one, I was just wondering out of curiosity. Can you use tar on Disk brakes? And is it any Good?
  18. If you grind the rim it will make alot of diference no matter what pads, Also if you have your pads quite away from the rim then moving them closer will help to.
  19. O if you are lazy like me and cant be arsed to take it apart, then what i do is just go rounf the bike and tighten up all the bolts as when you ride they come loose, this will prevent oat breakin, and the obvious making sure your chan is oiled. I would also check your tyres as if the bike has been left they may have gone flatter.
  20. I never use break boosters so i will say no, but its a matter of opinion, if uve always used them then i would put one on but if you havent in the past then i wouldnt bother.
  21. it holds just as good but takes a split secolnd longer to go on, so will take a few rides to get used to. My frame is a Zoo Pitbull 04 any my rim is a Echo TR.
  22. I have just recently changed to a rear V and its great, i will let you the spec i went with. Neon 4-Bolt to V-Brake Adaptors £19.00 Clarks Brake Cable Kit £4.50 Avid SD7 £28.00 Avid SD7 Lever (Single) £11.00 Rock CNC V-Pads £20.00 This is the spec i went with and its great would recomend it.
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