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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. What bike you on about selling?

  2. Yes i will agree with you when you say because of people like me insurance for young drivers is so high, but I just thought it will never happen to me. but untill the shit hits the fan you dont realise what consequences there was. i dont agree with you that i put it up to look cool, as i realy find it cool that am nearly 2500 out of pocket and my insurance will be a BOMB The reason I put it up is to make people aware what can happen, people should already no but i felt like i should tell my story to to just try and stop it happening to others who may not be as lucky as me and my mate. And trust me i have learnt alot from this experiance, prob the best lesson i have ever learnet.
  3. eah if you look at pic 1 and 2 and follow the hedge you can see the corner in the background it was like a S corner. its a corner a normal driver would normaly take at about 40mph but i took it at about 60mph nearly held it hence why I am so far away from the corner and the fact we roled quite a way. Was quite intence and scary at the same time.
  4. i saw them to and was like wtf. I didnt realy understand what you got for your money.
  5. Hydrolic brakes are poo always braking, cant beat good old reliable V's
  6. the anoying think is i no the road and i try and go faster down it every time. but this time I just went to fast and lost it, like i said its my own fault. But thought i would just show what happens when you do try and go that bit faster. I was lucky others may not be.
  7. The Air bags didnt even go of i was well shocked especily thefact the car roled twice. But there was no damage to the front end so i dont no if that means the air bags wont go off.
  8. Yeah me and my mate started at the same time. he at first improved faster and was better and i fount it quite anoying and sort of felt like quiting. But the more we did it the more i got better and eventully got alot better than my mate he got anoyed and ended up quiting. So i would say to you if your mates are better at them minit doesnt mean they always will be. If you have talent it will shine through.
  9. No the car ended up the wrong way round some how cant realy remember it. But i no when i gte my new car i wont speed anymore, ive learnet a valuable lesson the hard way. I would advice anyone not to drive like a dick or this happens.
  10. I have only just got back in to the sport after quiting, the reson i quit because i got pissed of that i couldnt do stuff. But now am back in to it I dont give a shit how good i am i just do it because i like it. So if your loosing intrest because you dont feel like you are improving just say it doesnt matter and enjoy yourself.
  11. I roled my car yesterday, went to fast round the corner. Me and my mates only injuries were a few minor cuts on our hands. We were both very lucky.
  12. LOL that is just one of them vids i can watch over and over again and just findi t funny, mind you i rit my car of today so at least you had a better day them me.
  13. LOL you made me have a look for my house and i can see my mum walking the dog, its funny. I can put the exatct date of when it was taken as my mum said she saw the van. I am impressed with the picture quality though
  14. LOL how did i not see that am a PLONKER
  15. Dont no what money you have but you could buy some new calipers i would suggest the Avid SD7 they are quite tall and good Calipers.
  16. If i was you i wouldnt spend any money on your current bike unless brakes, the reson being it willbe cheaper to get a better bike second hand rather then doing yours up. i would save like 150 quid up and then just serch about till you find a proppa bargin.
  17. Sorry mate not realy intrested in a T Bird but thanks for the offer

  18. Here is my quick scetch of Mark Westlake
  19. I am considering buying a second hand Onza T Comp 2009 model and was just wondering what they are like to ride, I ride alot of street. I would also like to no how strong they are. Well basicly i would like to no any information abot them.
  20. put enough air in so when you land on corner of something it doesnt pop your trye for me i fount about 25 - 30 psi but depends on innertube and tyre also.
  21. Good ride yesterday, sos had to leave early had to get the train.

    By any chance do you no anyone thats selling a 20 got about 400 to spend on one.

  22. Nice vid mate, good song choice goes well with it. What pads you using? love the sound they make.
  23. LOL at least you only wasted 15 second's of your life watching it, I only put it cos it makes me laff when i watch it, for some reason.
  24. Mite sound silly but it might just be the fact your pads are to close to the rim.
  25. Dont no if this will help but on the Tarty bikes website some of the kids bikes are normal 20's just with a smaller stem. So i was thinking you could buy a cheap 20 and put a small stem on it.
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