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Everything posted by matthew_coggan

  1. Hi mate was just wondering how is the V brake works on them front forks? Looks abit dodgy to me.
  2. That is no T - Poo that is sexy prob the best T - Pro i have seen.
  3. I would say if you crack your cross over pipe quite alot then its worth getting one, but if this isnt a problem then i wouldnt bother, as i coulnt tell the difference.
  4. Took me about a month to be able to put about 10 hops together.
  5. I have just seen the new Onza Zoot on tarty bikes and think it looks shit hot was just wondering what everyone else thinks of it. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=11230&category_id=50
  6. If you look at the pic where the red arrow is there is a screw like thing screw it in till the leaver goes closer.
  7. i have sticky fingers on my 26 and they are shite for gripping, but are quite hard and last ages.
  8. have alook at this vid its the best help.
  9. matthew_coggan


    When i saw it i thought it was going to be a funny clip with you or your bike ending up in the drink. But good riding skills there especily if you have only been riding as long as you said.
  10. Yes i agree also. Even though i wouldnt mind giving it ago myself i dont believe its true trials.
  11. mine were an hour so yours will be the equivalent of 16 so yeah its possible.
  12. Might be possible then how long are your lessons going to be?
  13. I dont no what the driving test is like over there but in England you have to do a theory test first, that is about road signs and safety. Then you have your practical test which is about your driving skill. I passed my test about 6 months ago and i had 19 lessons some of my mates had up to 40 so in my oppinion 8 is just not enough.
  14. Your taking your Driving test and you have never drove on the road or had any lessons, GOOD LUCK!!!!
  15. Hi mate i have a 26 Zoo Pitbull for sale am after 250 posted for it. Its a good first bike if your intrested give me a message i will get you pics and spec of it.


  16. Na doesn't do it for me, but as long as you like it thats all that matters. Is your chain rusty ?
  17. I get a mixed response it depends where abouts i am and who is comming past in my village the old people call me stupid and a vandal. But the younger adults dont care, nor do the police, and alot of the younger people think its cool. I get the impresion that most people ask wheres your seat as a joke, rather than actually wondering why you have no seat. But i get asked why my brakes squeek more then about my seat.
  18. I have just started to cure my self from this problem, for me it was to do with how i took of if i didnt feel right in the first place my foot came down, but if it felt like a good take of position it tended to stay on more oftern. What i also did was start bringing my knees up more to get the little bit more height.
  19. Hardley all White i was expecting at least white tyres to, but still i like the bike.
  20. I started on a good old Onza T Bird, think i broke everything on it at some point the bike hated me.
  21. It might be a bent crank, if you have had a bad fall of it, or chucked it on the floor. Same thing happend to my mate he just put a screw driver between the frame and crank and pulled it back and straightened it out.
  22. Just looked through all the names on tarty bikes and the one i like the best is the'' Yaabaa Stinger'' sounds abit hard core to me.
  23. there are some cool names though i like Inspired Zoo Ashton Justice
  24. I have been looking at a Onza T Lite on ebay and are considering bidding on it. I was just wondering what thay are like to ride? ruffly how heavy they are? And how easily thay brake/ crack?
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