Everyone came to the conclusion that the Kris holme rim has a hog with a line on the braking surface, much like the V!z rims. Echo rims are shite as well. So its either DX32 for bit better quality grind, or a hog/v!z/koxx rim which are wider, and dont grind as nice?( ) But they do grind well, and i aint had no problems with me Coustsinks on it.
V!z forks!! £90 but solid as!! 4 months and no problems at all. Plus its a cromoly steerer Pretty light weight as well, dont think they even weight the aclaimed 900g+, mor like 800-85g
Basically, am bored of me red lid. So i want to change it to white, but unsure on sprays for it. I know about lackering it and that. Can any spray be used? Thanks
I was in the same crisis. Fatmike and Ben, pesuaded me to buy it, and its really good Definately opt for the Firewire kit, if your PC has got it. Well worth it Argos do the camcorder cheaper!!
DO NOT clean the bearings with anything like WD40. Clean everything else with it though, and wipe it down. Grease up the bearings ( i use lithium grease) and put a slight bit on the pawls. It keeps it running very very smooth, and keeps the friction down on the bearings and rachet. Using WD40 on the rachet and bearings has left me with dead bearings, and lots of metal.
Thought i might as well join. Deonn, your doing that sidehop again, just to make sure it wasnt a 1 off Like Gaz said, it aint big off the pallet, nothing to get into a hissie fit over, Billocks(cut your hair off!)