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About Burton

  • Birthday 06/21/1989

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  • County (UK Only)
    East Riding of Yorkshire
  • Real Name
    Daniel Burton
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Flow drift; bouncy, spinny n manuels for miles + 07 Zoo! 05 Zoo! forks Zoo! bars + stem. Zoo! 170 cranks. Monty front. Maxxis rear Avid Magura Rear Coustsinks rear Heatsink Booster. Profile - lime Khe. Echo '06 (f) Try-all grinded(R).

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bike Biatches Beats Brum-Brums
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Burton's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. My last riding clips, some old summer clips of Dan. Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  2. Have a f**king comment histouken! Street or die as nigel would say. You film some riiiight bollocks compared to what you do now! Funky tune, made me giggle at the end. You just wait til i can be arsed to ride trials again!
  3. If anyones out and about, i shall be stunting!
  4. Burton


    Hes sent 2, yes TWO lots of parts to Matt, yet hes received fack all. Its got lost in the mail. Twice. Believe what you like, but thats what has happened. Unfortunate; yes, scamming? No. Damon is still waiting some money from Paddy in Notts area i believe, which has also got lost in the post to him, about £60 odd a think. Why would Tarty have anything to do with this anyway!? Or Deng!? Its his parts, that hes agreed to sell to someone. so i don't see why Tarty should cough up with some parts because its been lost.
  5. Its very sad to hear that your no longer part of something that you built. It begin selling from the boot of your Skoda on the mean streets of Hull, to lugging anything and everything world-wide. The trials scene wouldn't have been the same without you, and won't be
  6. Haha, Do you stil ride these days? Haven't heard from you in ages
  7. Cheers for the comments. Song is by Noisia, the king of drum n bass. Was a sorta last minute decision, was going nuts trying to find a song! Next video is already in the process.....
  8. Czar suits you sir! You've only gotten better, and everything has gotten bigger! See you soooon!
  9. Orite, I haven't produced any footage for abooot 5 months now, so heres a shortish vid. Sorta struggling to film the best bits of Hull these days, due to arrests, fines, and a ban. So next video will probably take forever, as it will b outa town locations. HeatSinkBikes Video 5 is in the team bit, YouTube and Tv.isg.si link. Have a look around, because you'll all need some form of sub-marine Coust pad combo for this wet winter weather.
  10. Hmmm..... Bit good aint you? That slopped rail looked fun, another impressive video. Shame about the hair
  11. Just generally f**king mint! Youth of today, destroying walls and rails and everything else that isnt nailed down. Propa mint as usual, excpet... ....its super mint!
  12. Burton

    Biff Vid 5 (ish)

    Editing is gerin better everytime. It looks like you've pulled your finger out, and done some propa riding
  13. Bout time i commented. You've gotten loads better Mr Meredith! P.s Dont come Hull, our SuperCop is miles harder than yours
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