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Theo last won the day on January 1 2024

Theo had the most liked content!

About Theo

  • Birthday 01/03/1994

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Previous Fields

  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Theo/Dave C. Mack
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Onza Comp 2010 king hub Duel Maggie
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials Biking, Mountain biking, Moshing, Listening to OWTER ZEDS, dancing, DH, 4X, Rock Climbing Kiaking, Not going to school and riding instead, Shaving, Drinking black sheep/guinness/carlesburg/pear cider/john smiths/red bull/relentless/orange juice and black velvet, Moving, Breathing, Whistleing, Photography, Art/drawing bikes and stuff, trying to get a job at blazing saddles and finally.
  • Location
    Cardigan, Wales

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8259 profile views

Theo's Achievements

Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. sweeeeet, are you on facebook?
  2. Hi all, moved to Falmouth recently for Uni, ..Was wondering if there are any local riders? Would be cool to get back in to things and find some decent local spots. Thanks! Theo
  3. Theo

    First Cars

    From what I know, the classic VW beetle has statistically been the cheapest car to insure for new drivers.
  4. Theo


    Just some of my stuff:
  5. Theo

    Boards Of Yorkshire

    Awesome carl! loved the rolling gap on the rocks
  6. Loving the editing. What camera do you have? - Also what was the name of the first song? Cheers!
  7. fake. EDIT: the guy practically shits him self behind the counter at 2:27 haha!
  8. That intro was f**king annoying, I had to skip it. Otherwise I really liked the riding and editing thanks for showing!
  9. Some people are making some serious profit then !
  10. Here's my 45 quid beast! I randomly decided to find the most expensive guitar on the internet that wasn't owned by some rockstar, I mean sure they are nice, but I would never pay so much for a guitar! http://cgi.ebay.com/Blueberry-Special-Order-Grand-Concert-Acoustic-Guitar-/140514526621?pt=Guitar&hash=item20b751859d US $35,000.00 http://cgi.ebay.com/Blueberry-Special-Order-Handmade-Double-Neck-guitar-/110671756405?pt=Guitar&hash=item19c48cfc75 US $45,000.00
  11. learning this guitar is practically self harm!
  12. Is this normal for a beginner? My fingers are stinging like hell where I'm pressing on the strings.
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