cockshott.... i have it on my harddrive..... if its the one where you used dizzee rascal bonkers i have it anyway.....
P.s need my bleed kit back babes
f**k what everyone else thinks! Its quality...... Its different than seeing people on shitty 24" + 26" inspireds.
Id rather see people riding in your suit that bloody lycra all the time.... it just goes to show that you dont need skimpy pants to ride better.
So yer f**k em! and ride I enjoy your videos!
Hey guys... come accross this on youtube.... check out the drop gap he does the mad man!
Just like to say this guy is awsome to watch in real life!!!!! ENJOY
I come with Wayne and his cousin jake! No longer have a car.. had to sell due to financial reasons!
But yer good weekend!
HAHA thats me! Never actually met you joe untill this weekend! Didnt even know who you where untill wayne pointed you out to me!
No hard feelings anymore?
Much love everybody <3
Was A funny weekend in my eyes.... No serious shit going on, just everybody haveing a bit of banter with each other!
I know we all give each other crap on here..... But deep down we all love each other HAHA
Met some awsome people to say the least