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About James

  • Birthday 07/14/1987

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    px zeb

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I had the same problem, bought one of these for each tyre, bye punctures. Trust.
  2. Proof that there is hope for the human race yet. J
  3. Hello, pretty easy yes or no answer here chaps. I'm just wondering whether you can put a set of V brakes on cantilever brake mounts? The mounts certainly look similar to what I remember V mounts looking like, but just wanted to check before I buy anything. Merci. J
  4. Hey, anyone know of any decent female moto trials riders in the UK? Looking for some for an ITV1 game show. Ideally over 18 and ideally in the south but not imperative. Thanks chaps. J
  5. Cheers guys, very helpful.
  6. Hi there, I mentioned this losely at the end of another post I made the other day but thought it might be more effective in its own thread. I'm currently attempting to cast for an ITV1 show and we're possibly looking for someone to do some a few bits and pieces in the studio, a couple of piles of pallets for example, but obviously stuff that's visually impressive. Ideally I'm looking for someone with some credible trials awards but I know not everyone competes professionally so its not imperative. Everyone will be considered, of course. Is anyone here interested, or does anyone have any bright ideas about who might be suitable. I know there was some stuff about Kenny Belaey in the papers recently but for the purposes of practicality, I'm really looking for someone based in the UK. My work email is the best way to contact me but I will check back on the forum. Thanks, and I hope everyone is well. James james.woolley@endemoluk.com 0208 222 4070
  7. I'm actually also looking for any Trials riders who would be able to do some impressive stuff in the studio on a couple of boxes and piles of crates for example. I have been out of the sport for a very long time so I have no idea who is any good at the moment apart from Danny Macaskill so any suggestions for that as well would be great. J
  8. Hello people, I'm currently attempting to cast people for an ITV1 show and am looking for some really talented pogo-ers based in the UK. EDIT: Am also looking for some impressive trials riders who could do some fancy stuff in a studio on a static obstacle. A bit like these guys - http://www.thepogodudes.com/videos.html I effectively need someone with the sort of skill that you guys have on bikes, but on pogos. I've had a scout for any forums/groups but this proved fruitless, so if anyone has a mate or anything like that who is really impressive then I'd really appriciate the help. Thanks, James.
  9. James

    Read In..

    It's Steve McQueen dude. Edit: Haha, I'm glad someone knows. Anyway, I'm going to bed, hopefully this thread will attract some attention tomorrow.
  10. James

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    I'm basically just asking what everyone thinks. I've been here for a long time, and to be honest, I'm hoping that some of the veterans will give an opinion. I'm basically saying that TF is a difficult thing to give up after 6 years, and what should I do?
  11. James

    Read In..

    Recently guys, I've been thinking. I'm getting to that age where maybe I should bow out gracefully. I'm not hated here, but at the same time, I'm not really noticed. I've just started up my own media company, and I've got other things to worry about now. Should I leave TF? I've been a loyal member for nearly 6 years, and I've seen trials change so much. Admitedly I havn't ridden for nearly 3 years, but I've tried to stay up to date on the forum, just because it was my whole life for so long, and to be honest I've just gotten used to checking TF when I come online. I have been here for the big moments. I drove to red bull bike battle with Si Sagar, and rode with the trials kings. I was here when Otherside came online, and it influenced me so much. I rode London with guernseytrials. I met and loved DJ, he was a good friend of mine and I rode with him in nottingham and I miss him so much. My Mum still has a newspaper cutting of the massive amount of riders who came out to tribute him at the first ever DJ ride. I went to every single bikeshow at the NEC for three years with Olly C, who was my best friend for a long time, and I think trials and the lifestyle that came with it has definately shaped me into the person I am now. Basically, I've just felt lately that I just don't really belong here anymore. I'm starting a media production company with some guys I knew at uni, and I have just come to a point where I think the forum has changed so much, maybe I should leave as I just don't seem to have any impact on anything that happens here anymore. The reason I ask you this is that if I leave TF, it really will be the end of trials for me. I won't have any link to it anymore, and I just wonder what people think, if any of the old riders have an opinion, I'm just interested. This post may sound wierd, but the fact that I spent so much of my teenage life here, and the fact that I was so close to alot of you along time ago, means that your opinion still means alot to me. Thanks in advance. James
  12. First footage. = Awesome! Especially like the using locusts as shields.
  13. Fizzy water, no questions asked. Drink about 2 litres a day. Must be genetic, my dad loves the stuff aswell.
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