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Everything posted by matt.price

  1. there's man-made stuff as well as natural stuff, plus it's a completely new venue for us!
  2. i was a bit disapointed when i saw the first post after reading the title
  3. fixed now. sorry about that..
  4. matt.price

    Matt Price

    just took a few clips from diferent angles and made it into a simple edit... My link constuctive critism please hope you enjoy ....
  5. are these going to be slightly easier than penistone?
  6. when is the tribalzine k-124 days video going to be out? .. p.s .. really enjoyed tyketrial @ penistone..
  7. i have this frame , and its really nice but no idea on the current limey stock frame matt
  8. i had the same probaly dude. on my old blade the crank had come loose and i ignored it then it worn. this happened a cuple of tiime because im a noob . once you get new cranks ( if you do ) id give them a tighten every time you ride your bike and tighten the pedals aswell, i do it. may be a lil but anoying but its worth it .. hope this helps matt
  9. thanks ill try some bigger stuff now
  10. any tips direectly on riding .. something to improve or learn? thanks matt
  11. any tips direectly on riding .. something to improve or learn? thanks matt
  12. ok. just felt like filming today .. and the stuff at my house is either easy or too hard... but i tried cheers lad anyway for your advice
  13. matt.price

    Matt Price

    hey. two days worth of clips made into a simple video. constructive critism please ( on riding and video ) Youtube hope you enjoy.... thanks matt
  14. now with vimeo ( will be up in 30 mins) thanks matt
  15. video of the shropshire based mountain bike trials park " castle skills " . set up by ben savage. footage was shot by cyclemart dude simon frith , and i edited it. riders include: ben savage sam oliver dave kerr tom oliver and a few others..... youtube Vimeo hope you enjoy .. p.s the vimeo will be up in 30 mins matt
  16. great riding really enjoyable video
  17. About a year and 2 months. improved loads since i moved to stock about a month ago thanks for your help....
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