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Everything posted by matt.price

  1. send me the links please... lets have a look
  2. hi mate. firstly have a scoot round ebay and see if theres any other bikes for sale. if you cant to find any.... £150 for a rip aint bad. just have to take into account wheel size and upgrading. Try find a blade .. pro etc. maybe try find a bike wtih hs33's. just think about the long run... aswell hope this helps :arabia:
  3. i actualy sweared alowed at the end. It showed the crash three + times and it made me flinch every time :arabia:
  4. i dont know how to help but when i had my blade the bearings in the front wheel had rounded off. It hppened a few times and i never ever got the front wheel running smoothly agan. But and this is a big BUT lots of other ownes of blades have next to o problems with the bike. Onza blade = great bike .. needs alot of care.
  5. not true. where just made of pure steal in wales :)
  6. this guy really knowss how to build the suspense ... ey? :arabia:
  7. How to build a freakin wheel hope this helps matt
  8. hmmmm. if you belive inmiracles READ THIS find a bad area where it is rubing , for example rubbing badly to the left. loosen the left spoke ( nearest to the point) by a quater turn. and tigten the right spoke on each side of the left spoke by half a turn. REMEMBER: this is my bodge way of doing this ( and it kinda works for me ) . you gotta use this method with common sense. and a bit of maths. the less bad the rubing the less you need to tighten or loosing the spokes. also:do notover tighten the spokes as they will smooth down.. i hope this helps p.s try looking at a few of these videos to see what im on about ... youtube list matt
  9. that was some real good riding one hing though ( feel free to disgree ) i think you need to relax or just take yout time a bit on the back wheel. but anyways that was ace
  10. really wanted to come to this . gutted i cant. looks great. good luck anyway ross
  11. EDIT : real good vid. i loved the pedal grind good job
  12. im 13 and 6ft 2 ish. so go ahead . im use to it i heard lanky people are good riders though
  13. i dont really like the rims in my opinion .... but everything else is lush. i love that frame
  14. funniest thing ive heard all day !!
  15. was real good . keep it up
  16. agreed he looks like a really good/smooth rider. how about vid some time?
  17. good riding is all i have to say
  18. hey. i think ive done it now thank for your help.. p.s i did it without a hammer matt
  19. hi. my wheel is out of line and rubs real bad , and makes a loud sound even when just riding. can anybody help me on a simple way to true a wheel with nothing else but a spoke key? any help would be great. thanks matt
  20. agreed. i think mod suits you much better. and also a realgood video.. top job EDIT: how do you do thos backhop rotate thing's... i try to do them but i just cant ... cheerio
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