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Everything posted by matt.price

  1. i find it funny . that people who order stuff from trials uk are soo happy just to get their stuff or something simlar
  2. i dont think it is. as its still the same when its off the bb.
  3. hey guys. im having a bit of trouble with my freewheel. so heres the low down ...... its really stiff to turn around and it has a lot of play between like ticks ( if you catch my drift ) . sorry if this doesn't make sense to you but i have no idea with freewheels.. can i fix it on my own? can my local bike shop fix it? do i need a new one? any help would be greatly apprciated thanks matt
  4. this is the biggest thing to happen to trials froum since the upgrade
  5. i dont think someone is that sad to pretend to be danny mac. so HELLO DANNY !
  6. found this on youtube and thought it was a decent vid.. hope you enjoy // matt
  7. hi guys. id like to thank you all for commenting. ive gone for the trial tech sport. thank you and good night
  8. so , its not a rock kinda bike are you saying? also have you got a grind on it ? if so how is it?
  9. loads of thanks for the comments so far.... any more would be GREAT thanks matt
  10. off an advert. kinda lame :/
  11. is your dad a baker cus you got nive buns is your dad a butcher cus your butch catch agoat you've pulled etc etc
  12. it looks like an epic place. Im soo f**king gutted i missed out on the tyketrial comp
  13. thats was emense. best vid ive seen for a while good job
  14. hi adam. which is strong and yet offers good performance? One thing that it bugging me.. it says on your website,,, that the trialtech is perfect for street riders? and i dont ride street that often.. thanks matt
  15. im edging to the hog, Any opinions on it?
  16. remember... good hs33's are loud discs are quiet. hs33's are £60 magura louise are £100 hope mono trial are £160 ( i think ) pads on hs33's are dearer. hs33's need grinds in the winter...
  17. god job dude :arabia:
  18. hmm. im edging towards the hog. But the trialtech is 100g lighter , will it make much difference? worth the extra £10?
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