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onza rip 29

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Everything posted by onza rip 29

  1. onza rip 29

    my bikes

    just pics of past bikes
  2. the bike i have got now will get some picture of my bike on though
  3. My link my first bike learnt the basics on it now upgraded two level-T-Bird and now to Comp 2010
  4. Thanks for the advice guys was just wanting another opinion on what to get as am building my bike
  5. I would like to know from all you guys which freewheel would be best to be put on as a front freewheel for the best performance thanks
  6. yes the newer setups with a front freewheel run 18t freewheel and a 12t fixed sprocket and i know because of my mates bike that that is harder than the one i had on my T-Bird which was the same as the one your were running and the 18t-12t is a harder gear which may suit you better The way you work it is: Say you want to work out how hard a gear is take the ratios and divide them Eg/ 24 divide by 18 = 1.3 revolutions of the wheel per pedal so if you want the harder gear 18 divide by 12 = 1.5 which gives you a harder gear
  7. cool its just because i am building my bike up and wondered if it would be alright thanks
  8. well you will have to think if you would be suited to a 26" or 20" and also what braking capabilities you would want and if you would want to upgrade this first bike. The Onza rip cannot host as many upgrades as the zona because the rip doesn't have hydraulic mounts which the Zona does and also the Zona has the capability for a wider tyre and rim also to start with the Zona has some decent parts like crankset and rims to start with. The 26" spyrogyra has only got v brake mounts but really it is what you are going to do on them and if you want to put decent parts on your bike and also what you are willing to pay
  9. If your wanting a grind get some decent pads first , i am using Onza limes which are relatively cheap and on a light grind and they work brill the Maggie blacks lasted about 2 hours riding and they were shot so upgrade your pads if your grinding your rim
  10. orite thanks matee taa for the advice
  11. hi just wondering if a standard onza bottom braket would be suitable for : Onza T pro crankset + Tensile freewheel Thanks
  12. Thanks for the advice will be getting one soon now
  13. i was just wondering if anyone had ideas and opinions of what i could do with braking for my front wheel and what best for it either : A hydro disc OR Magura HS33 wondering what the best setups would be on them two and which would be the best for all round trials Thanks:)
  14. http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x443/Carl_Swan/P160510_18551.jpg Here is my old Onza T-Bird which i have got to know just about all of trilas with now upgrading to something better th Onza Comp 2010 http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x443/Carl_Swan/large_compspecforum.jpg love this bike so sweet ,, this is not mine but i am putting different colour on to mix it up a bit
  15. Brilliant thats real useful thanks mate i will bear all that in mind thanks
  16. Hello from my experience Avid V brakes have been the best for trials which you can be very good with some decent V pads you should find that they will be the best
  17. What bike do you ride ? Onza comp 2010 How long have you been riding ? around a year on and off Favourite trick ? Gaps and sidehops Best riding spot ? Grange over sands (its local) Sponsors ? nope i wish How often you ride ? about 3/4 times a week
  18. thanks was just wondering as am building up the bike
  19. hello i am getting the new 2010 Onza comp and was just wondering if a 12 tooth fixed sprocket and a 18 tooth freewheel is suitable and wondering how hard the gear is ?
  20. Hi What frame is that looks sweet .. Red and white brilliant
  21. I found when i started i could not get the rhythm with the brake and pedaling but with practice and like you say with the endo to start you can try to pedal from there to push off the ground and get lift and when you get the hang of the brakes you will find obstacles very easy and trials gets better from there
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