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Everything posted by AndyT

  1. James is the best editor and a pretty sound guy. ..so funny , there use to be basically NO internet specific videos out there except for on trials kings.
  2. "six pack abs" are made in the kitchen...some people have 6, some have 5, some have 8- this is completely determined by genetics. A great diet and some cardio will pull them out nicely. Don't try to gain too much weight for trials, I went from to 11.6 stone (163 pounds) earlier in the year to 13.2 stone (185) right now, you can feel it on the drops and stuff (Y)
  3. You guys are absolutely hilarious. You can easily gain 7 pounds, or a half stone, in 2 months...you can gain 2-3 pounds a week if you train correctly. I'm not saying you are going to put on .5 stone of muscle but guaranteed it will be partly muscle, lots of water weight and some fat. It's called bulking. If you go to a BB gym you should know this already. BBers bulk for months on end, when their competition is coming up is when they start to cut. When you see them in the offseason they look like fat f**ks, when its competition time they are down to ~6% body fat but they are weak as shit because of the horrible calorie deficit. Go eat 5k+ calories a day, every day, and properly train...you must do squats and deadlifts, trials won't get your legs as strong as lifting would. and you will see serious weight gains if you don't just do upper body. Most people here are all tiny and young, you couldn't maintain 6% body fat for too long a period...8-9 is fine, but 6 and under is competition level and your body wouldn't be happy with that for a long time. Calipers are finicky, the only true test of body fat percentages are water tanks.
  4. I'd be jealous of anyone who gets to see these guys...if you like rock/electro type shit def. go see them, they put on a GREAT show http://www.myspace.com/supersystem Lots of fun Nov 15 2005 8:00P CUSTARD FACTORY - CLUB NME BIRMINGHAM, Nov 16 2005 8:00P WAREHOUSE - CLUB NME LEEDS, Nov 17 2005 8:00P UNIVERSITY - FUZZ CLUB SHEFFIELD, Nov 18 2005 8:00P ACADEMY 2 - CLUB NME LIVERPOOL, Nov 19 2005 8:00P UNDERGOUND - CLUB NME STOKE, Nov 20 2005 8:00P The Social - Liars Club Nottingham , Nov 21 2005 8:00P Empire - Club NME Middlesborough, Nov 22 2005 8:00P Louisiana Bristol, Nov 23 2005 8:00P Metro London, Nov 25 2005 8:00P Vooruit Café Gent, let me know if you get to see them! (Y)
  5. f**king LOVED this video. makes me very sad that I can't ride.
  6. Is it me or do most of the recent wave of uk shirts all look kind of similarish?
  7. There is no excuse for poor editing/poor music choice except it being the makers personal choice. People are what they are. Haven't seen the movie...eeingoediddee going at about .8k/sec right now.
  8. AndyT


    15 hours give or take, 3 hour sessions. Ribs are fun!
  9. AndyT


    did someone say tattoo? yeah lutzes got the biketrials one on his back..
  10. re-downloaded the bigger version- works like a charm! Love ace of base, hated the second song....doesn't matter, I watch this video every time before I ride...really opened my eyes up to some new techniques that I've never tried- thanks a ton for making this and riding like awesome people :P :) :P
  11. amazing riding... audio was horrenous though!! It sounded like slow mo repeating for 4 minutes.
  12. We have a recycled cycles here...selles shitty used bikes for way too f**king much :- :P
  13. AndyT


    or people who lift heavy objects every now and then (Y)
  14. When the product is basically design, the design of the site speaks volumes for it. I don't mind the design, pretty normal.
  15. you should generally get almost infinite number of e-mail addresses if you have proper hosting/domain name :D
  16. AndyT


    looks quite good to me...going to have to change my sites colors though :rofl: i have a beige as the background right now (site not released yet). Why only small and medium? Also what kind of shirts are you using?
  17. also find it interesting how you are selling 2 color shirts for the same price as 1 color... Guess you're taking a little hit on those?
  18. What kind of shirts are you printing on? Screenprint or digital? How old are you btw?
  19. The only videos I keep are the trialsking movies. I still watch them regularly, the moves are quite outdated but I've been around long enough that I remember they were the ONLY people putting out videos (and damn good ones!!)...Their forum was horrible but the vids were sick. Having hung out with jimbo was a great experience and I look forward to the next time we meet.
  20. AndyT

    Worlds Vid

    bump on accoutn of like no one seeing this thread :)
  21. AndyT

    Worlds Vid

    ahh well its ok :) benito is fairly "bouncy" , I might honestly question his sexuality B) bit of a wierd guy...should've seen the gay videos he had on his laptop at koxx days. naked guy videos :sleeping:
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