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Everything posted by AndyT

  1. kind of like spending 3 months doing stuff with nothing to really show for it atm :cough :cough :lol:
  2. its ok, not the best though...friend sent it to me about 6 mo ago. sometimes it gets wayyyy off track (Y)
  3. bah.wait until you are looking 24 in the face (Y) :) (Y)
  4. AndyT

    "new" Video For You

    :D--> QUOTE(joe b @ Nov 26 2005, 09:55 PM) ← I'll put some stilts on, with some extra long trousers and a fake mustache. Maybe i'll get served! Hope to be there, it's either there or UCI champs. Help me decide Joe O.... Andrew a trip to england would be just.... AWESOME! (Y) :D Cheers. shit yeah england would be great...whos going to put me up for a week in their home :) (Y) :P
  5. w00t...consultation is this thursday coming up :wavey: hopefully I can get in before march
  6. i thought this title said "george bush just died" and i was like YSAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAYAYAYAY :'( but then i re-read it and was sad.
  7. AndyT

    "new" Video For You

    bump...who's going to meet me at the pub in buithers for koxx days? :'( :'(
  8. yeah, but unfortunately if you are in your late 20's; look fairly normal..maybe dark clothes, and have visible tattoos a lot of people wouldn't want their kids around you :P "get away from him timmie! he's a bad man!"
  9. the only difference between tattooed and non tattooed people are tattooed people don't care if you're not tattooed :$ I respect anyones choice for their body; I don't really support someone just getting super fat and not caring about their health or someone picking a barb wire armband off of the wall at a tattoo shop but to each their own...who am I to judge :lol: Set up a consultation with a new artist, I was absolutely blown away by him...he has a 3 month wait!!! In winter! This is the slow season for tattoo artists, people only like getting work done during the summer so they can show it off..I say f**k that, I keep my shit out of the sun and away from most people. But this guy can do a perfect portrait of anything, like a mirror image..amazing...$150 an hour is kind of steep but I'll deal with it for the quality :P :)
  10. AndyT

    "new" Video For You

    really appreciate the kind comments- joe I can't go on msn right now..im off on holiday for silly thanksgiving :P I'm planning on going to koxx days 06, as well as getting vincent out here to colorado...I will never stop making movies- just a new name with a new style :) Maybe I'll make it out to england one of these days...that would be a dream come true, just film for a month around europe and the UK!
  11. AndyT

    "new" Video For You

    :turned: cheers, thanks for the support.
  12. AndyT

    "new" Video For You

    f**k me :D good call :turned: (Y)
  13. http://cotrials.com/AndyThistory-moment.mpg So andrew tonkery films is no longer going, this is the last video :turned: More of a statement video than anything; regulars will be familiar with most of the footage but check it out anyway (Y) :D
  14. #1 reason to start lifting for sports is to prevent injury. Ryan in those pictures of you you are probably around 9-10 percent. 6%, like i said earlier, is not maintainable....9% is a very good number and most highly active athletes you see with chisled 6 pack abs are around this, the only people you see with 6% are bodybuilders right before/duing a competition..they are weak as f**k at this time because to be at 6% you have to be in such a large calorie deficit its rediculous. Anything under 5% is basically impossible, you won't have anythng to keep your organs warm :hs:
  15. ah 15...i'm almost 10 years older than you :) jsut enjoy being young, you can be in the gym later in life <_<
  16. yeah it is a great confidence builder and great for overall health , if youa re a young guy just keep riding trials for a while...you have along time ahead of you for everything <_<
  17. Vincent said benitos size has almost doubled in a few years since he first started riding...he lifts, believe me. The strength is useable, the size isn't that good though..but if you are 140 pounds or 60 kgs or whatever it is important to go up in size. Thats why I said do cleans and stuff (olympic lifts) to increase explosive power.
  18. i got confused half way through and just scrolled all the way down :)
  19. aaaaahahaha those tattoos are hilarious...hard CORE!!! ;P unless you are a musician/artist/tattoo artist I would stay away from getting your hands/neck tattood, but that is just me. The other two..well one is just the other side of my ribs- the rose w/some flames, it is identical to the other side at the very bottom...don't regret that, its all part of the plan :P Got the 2 roses first thing then the ribs next. now the other one... :rofl: aaaaaaaaaaahahaha it is hilarious. I grew up in new jersey (which is like a trashy place kind of), on my 18th birhtday I went to some SHADY place (it was just so gross, i probably got aids from it!!) - I just picked some gay black dragon off the wall and paid 100 dollars for it. Luckily it is very small and can be covered up at any time :P ...but that won't be for a few years, going to do chest/shoulder/arm/forearm all at once on the left side :noes: Going down to denver (1 hour away) tonight to browse some new shops portfolios..see what I can see. oh and my side tattoo.... my artist is a great guy, but he parties a little hard (not like I dont as well ahahah). One time I drove all the way down, which is an hour each way, and he was too hungover to do the tattoo!!! that was for one of the roses... Later on when I went to get the woman on my side, I had a consulation and told hiim what I wanted- he was excited about it and said cool and he'd start thinking of it. So i made the final appointment i came in for the final appointment and he was like "ok , what were we doing again?" :) :- :- I told him , luckily it jogged his memory...he just took a BALLPOINT PEN AND DREW THE WHOLE OUTLINE ON ME freehand, without looking at anything in like an hour. Serious skill... outline pic: Probably the most painful experience of my life. just all that detailed hair RIGHT on my ribs. f**king rediculous, I would probably sit through 10 hours on my back over 1 hour on the ribs...outline hurts way more than anything else.
  20. AndyT


    From the album: etc

  21. If i wasn't an alcoholic this last year I could probably have some decent progress, I can't even lift much anymore after numerous shoulder injuries. I can be a good coach but have lacked the dedication since going through college and now in the real world..in high school i was in the gym 2-3 hours a day (which is actually worthless, 40 mins is all you need)- like you young guys its easy to spend time there when you are young so take advantage of it! Benching your own body weight, I am talking about a 1 rm. If a normal grown man can't bench his own body weight within a month he doesn't know how to train correctly...by normal I'm not talking a grown man who weighs 60 kgs and has never done a sport or picked up anything heavier than a pen in his whole life. A normal healthy person :) Remember I'm american, we are big people :- When I go overseas I'm a giant, its rather hilarious. Should have seen me and 7 of my friends in france - 6'7, 6'4, 6' all of us: all 2x as large as euros. As for a picture, this is all I could find from about 6 months ago in a joke thread over at OTN: (the expression is a JOKE :- ).. thats around 84 kgs weight. 1 rm lifts were: bench: ~105kgs squat: ~140kgs deadlift: ~159kgs I've been into the fat powerlifter look for the last year and a half, just care about lifts and strength not looks...kind of changing recently because of my injuries and I can't even ride let alone lift for the last 2 months which f**king blows. Guaranteed if anyone here did that 5x5 program, ate ~4500k calories a day (1.5grams protein per pound) - dirty or clean bulk, dirty preferred..just eat and lift, you will gain serious weight and serious muscle and very good lifts...you will gain fat!!! and alot of water, especially the first week. Do this for 6 months to a year, you will feel like a fat ass (20% body fat at least), after this 6 months drop to 1-200cal below maintenance and drop some cardio in, drop bf to 14 or so and see how much lbm you've gained and if you are happy about it....there is no way to add lbm/size and keep your weight down quickly, the people you see completely ripped and large either spend lots of years lifting (10+) naturally, or do serious bulks/cuts routinely for years on end. Once you get normal strength down I would add clean and jerks and other oly lifts to help explosivity in trials, if anyone ones fighting specific training I've got alot more knowledge about that. The stuff i'm talking about will only get you big and strong, its not for bodybuilding but everyone should start getting just some overall strength before beginning any kind of special routine...very good for beginners. also I'm not trying to be hostile or make fun of anyone or say I'm better than anyone at all- just trying to give info guys...no hostility meant :P
  22. AndyT


    work for heatsink
  23. AndyT


    From the album: Heatsink

  24. cool...for anyone planning on getting a tattoo, especially your first one: don't do it until you have been thinking about the idea for 6 months- a year. If you still want it go for it but otherwise don't- permanent is really permanant and that shit will last...get tattoos for a meaning, whether it be to commemorate a lost friend, lost love, a time in your life or just to have a great piece of art from some artist you really like....DO NOT PICK IT OFF THE WALL!! custom only!! Don't be a sap!
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