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Everything posted by AndyT

  1. I'm american and I didn't even watch it
  2. AndyT

    The Uk

    thanks. I can't get my f**king assistant shit to go off this site, it keeps staying up there...any ideas?
  3. AndyT

    The Uk

    what on earth are you talking about.
  4. i dont even know how to change mine.
  5. AndyT

    The Uk

    FYI every single american kid has had geography...but unfortunately most schools are complete shit and kids really don't have to learn anything to pass...very sad- teachers get paid basically complete shit and can barely live off their salaries
  6. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    i think now is the point in the thread where people start flaking out
  7. AndyT

    The Uk

    all 45 states? There are more than that. I would expect you to be able to name every european nation, all the UK countries, all the old russian countries since disbanded, turkey/greece/iran/iraq that area. We can have a show off at koxx days, you bring a map and I'll bring a map. Pretty good at the provinces of canada? How about mexico and south america? Get those last states too, might take some more "brainstorming"
  8. AndyT

    The Uk

    Asking about states is identical to asking about countries for you. Our states are all bigger than europeon countries for the most part....
  9. AndyT

    The Uk

    I don't take offense to anything I can actually tell the difference between an japanese/chinese/philipino/korean person The reason why we don't know about the UK is because we don't live there Do realize that one of our states , california, is twice the size of england
  10. AndyT

    The Uk

    I could draw some stupid shit up and say its what english people think america is. Your ignorance of our country was just as exposed in my huge thread. The majority of english people don't know shit about america; the majority of americans don't know shit about england. Could you label all 50 states? How about 30? We take geography when we are like 9 years old then move onto big boy things.
  11. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    Did you read what I wrote?
  12. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    The beer I drink is normally between 7 and 10%. Why wouldn't I be able to handle euro beer :hsugh:
  13. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    nah..none of htat shite in france- beer and wine only I can get vodka anywhere.
  14. Some great stuff on your site (deviant art page) mike; makes me look forward to my new lens for sure!
  15. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    elan and I will be practicing drinking for this event tonight
  16. Cortisol naturally goes up and down, and there are tons of different factors which could have led his levels to be so low...I don't think vincent would be the kind to really jeapordize his license with a steroid accusation on purpose...but who knows, he keeps getting 2nd and I'm sure that is pissing him off. not as much as these accusations though, he basically asks whoever the f**k said it to come out and tell it to his face.
  17. I'd probably just call them faggots
  18. AndyT

    Joe Oakley Vid 7

    great riding joe, keep it up....
  19. looks a little too mousey, my main problem is with the brush used for the bren part- a simple hand done marker one would've gotten the job much better...but your portfolio stuff is obviously great forgot to contact you way back when! will be in touch soon I'm sure-
  20. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    french drug dealers are such pussies. at least when they are around 9 "huge" americans.
  21. AndyT

    Koxx Days 06

    i feel i'm going to be overwhelmed by englishmen
  22. AndyT

    Zhi Vid 1

    some f**king impressive riding for sure
  23. Who said vincent doesn't speak much english?
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