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Everything posted by AndyT

  1. AndyT

    Stem search

    Only 150x30 I could find was the Echo TR... Had a bitch of a time getting my Trialtech Carbon bars in there but once they were in- no problems since... Went to to the 150x30 from a Bonz 145x25.. World of difference
  2. Wellgo mg-1 are for Tiny people with miniature feet, they are so hilariously small.. Have the nukeproof for a good long time, originally on my comp bike now on my street bike- have replaced the pins once in 5-6 years. No bending, very thin, wide platform, kind of heavy.. The wellgos are on a single speed commuter bike, retired long long ago.. They were a decent pedal when they came out 10? years ago but can't hold a candle to today's pedals... Unless you have the feet of a 6 year old girl, or your feet are hooves.
  3. Those 180s to fakie manuals... So smooth... First one over the bench blew me away
  4. Great video, insane huge moves- would have been a pleasure to see in real life... Thanks for sharing !!
  5. Just be happy that your riding today's cheater bikes... People who can't keep their feet on the pedals through a section can sidehop 3 feet. 18 years ago it took me 6 months of 2-3 hours a day riding to get rear wheel balance and control... Sidehopping from the rear wheel was unheard of, with today's geometry sidehopping from the rear wheel means you don't have to jump at all for 2-3 foot high object. Just cheat and put your front wheel on it like so many people I see. Sidehopping is my least favorite "move" and I still do it from both wheels when I can, as I see it to be the only true way... From rear wheel it's ok if you go to rear wheel, but to me anything to front is bullshit. how long have you been sidehopping? I ride with people who still can't pedal kick after 6 years of riding, it takes a bit of time and dedication to get there but I'm sure you'll be there soon enough and enjoy the process- once you learn all the techniques you may fall to the dark side of trials... Inch hunting... Don't let it happen.
  6. Yoga works everything...not just core. Strengthen your whole body, and makes you very flexible. I've never ridden as well as I did when I was doing 5 days a week @ 1.5 hours of yoga...everything on the bike was easier- any pains go away, everything is just smooth. For such a short period of time, just keep your fitness up so you don't go back to the bike like a chubby kid. Enjoying looking at that ido portal stuff...
  7. Kevin is smoooth and has 0 power but does huge ups/gaps/sidehops...all in technique mate!
  8. AndyT

    BB7 pads

    I've run every pad under the sun in my bb7 since getting one over 10 years ago... the trialtech/jitsie pads are unbeatable for pure trials grabbiness. I run these on my comp bike with a 180 rotor, sd7 and odyssey housing...super solid grabby. On my "street" bike I run some cheap no name amazon chinese pads, 203 rotor and odyssey housing. They are amazingly grabby- I am impressed, my only issue with the jitsie pads is at high speeds (15-20 mph hill bombs) they fade quickly and feel shite at high speeds...kind of like running a deep grind , not swell at high speeds but amazing for classic trials. The chinese pads rock at high speeds, and the 203 rotor makes them quite grabby for pure trials.
  9. Huge canadian moves from all in here..
  10. AndyT

    Pre pogo days

    Uploaded a few more, from when I was in love with TGS...just looked so much better back then- can't get through todays tgs videos but these I would watch and watch and watch. Neil T in zoo vid 32: Damon W in Gu clips from 2007: And finally this long braunschweig road trip video- fun times...wonder if they still ride?? edit, my favorite co trials vincent video- a large part because I couldn't come film this day, but know what he was riding and how mind blowing it was back then and a nopogo.org vince + giaco video... funny their web site was called "NOPOGO" and what happened to comp riding.
  11. I've been doing the big three for a year... The reason I can't walk is because of the calf raises (which I never do), my left calf (my chocolate foot) is just like fused in pain... Getting better slowwwwly... Nothing else hurts, looking forward to next week- waking up today after the chest day yesterday, no problems. I believe Vince was getting a degree in something to do with physiology or sports, this was 10 years ago... Jacks form scares the shit out of me in that video. ten years ago when the coustelliers were hot shit all they did was ride ALL THE TIME and eat pasta. Kenny posts some interesting mor sport specific workout things on his Instagram, I think he would be a good personal trainer for trials. andrei burton does some insane weights- he is an interesting Instagram to follow. also- how old are you? I know when I was younger I could do much more weight and heal quickly...
  12. I do what I can with a spotter, ideally everything... Have no partner, so opt for barbells instead of Dumbbells on bench (did close grip today w a spot). leg day I had no spotter. 2 days later and I can still barely walk, I think it's just fine. Still would like to know Damon's
  13. Sound good and I wish you luck... After doing my first leg day in that workout you posted I could barely walk... Still forced myself to yoga + road ride. would still like to know Damon's workout, the workout you posted is just for strength but I wonder if he does a workout more sport specific..
  14. Enjoy his quick style, thanks for sharing
  15. Well I'm going to do yoga for the next 30 minutes then head to the gym for leg day
  16. AndyT

    Flipp Clipp

    Great one. Such a beautiful bank. I wish American govt would have such masonry skills, here it is all just perfect same concrete... thanks for sharing
  17. Well then the only enemy is your brain! Try to visualize every aspect of the move- the right move.. Watch a slow motion video of yourself and watch video of top pros doing it in slow motion as well. Try to be mindful and think about how you would change your body to be more like the pros technique- no matter how strange it feels. In the biggest sidehops how far you can tuck is everything. This takes flexibility!! I would say stop weightlifting - start yoga every day, take it slow, after 1-2 months of yoga begin to spend more time in the gym. Flexibility is hard, but it just takes time..
  18. Wasn't trying to be mean at all, and I'm about to try your strength regiment starting this week... I I would say that yoga helped me out a great deal, I can place my hands under my feet (Palm to bottom of foot) in a full stretch with ease- but I don't have those #s! I am scared of becoming stiff with doing lots of weights, we will see how the next weeks go- I've always found stretching to be as much of a benefit to my riding as strength training. explosivity also seems to be lacking in that video of you- plyometrics is a really easy thing you can add into your practice, just find a wall with varying heights and do a full squat next to it then jump up as high as you can. Keep increasing the height - you'll be sidehopping like a monster once this and your technique come in line.
  19. Can you touch your toes? Look incredibly stiff, very weak people can use only technique to go much higher, that's a large deadlift number but you look like a solid block of muscle.
  20. I think canard is just saying he finds their style is so abhorrent, lackluster, video game-y, however you would like to describe the feeling you have when you watch them ride... Classic French street footjams off everything etc etc I used to to be a "hater" of this style as well, but in the end they are just riding their ass off and the riding is so dialed...plus they look like they are having fun doing it and increasing the publics knowledge of our sport - all good things so you can't really fault them. keep on riding frenchies . Would be cool to see a natural video from you guys
  21. Could you mind posting it up for everyone to see?? I'm sure a lot of people would Ike to hear it, myself included.
  22. f**king a that was a video... Thanks for posting, so fast+style shredder
  23. Looks like a fine bike, is anything annoying you/ not working well? I just ride till something doesn't work and replace that... Personally I would put platform pedals on , but that's just my preference.
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