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Tom Canham

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Everything posted by Tom Canham

  1. James is the one with the camera, he probably will send you some. He is putting together a riding edit once he has some more clips.
  2. I went on my mates bike, And i went up to backwheel on a rock (that was not even 10cm hight) and when I went to drop off the other side. And my foot got caught in the chainstay and went straight over the bars, Landed on my chin... but somehow broke my elbow
  3. Enjoyed watching that, was very good, your style was smooth, liked it a lot.
  4. Thats not nice, the orange is disgusting
  5. Or you could just mix some anti freeze into the water your using to bleed your brakes... Ive seen somewhere on the forum that some guy uses mouthwash in his brakes
  6. I would go for the pro... 1 - It has a front freewheel, most mod riders use them on the front.. And if you get into riding, you will eventually want a front freewheel.. because it easier and it gets a good gearing. 2- Got hs33 mounts on the back and disk mounts, so you can have a choice between the two. If you go for the bird and then decide you want Hs33's then you will have to go through the hassle of adaptors. I have rode both of the bikes aswell and i know some people locally that have them. They both feel pretty much the same but the pro has a better rear brake and can be uprgradeed cheaper, And it looks really nice in the colours it comes in. Edit: Just read the pro comes with a tensile freewheel, they are pretty good as well. Hoped this helped. Tom
  7. That is really nice. I like the brake leaver.
  8. Tom Canham


    That was amazing. Loved your style. And some of the spots looked awsome aswell.
  9. That is seriously nice. Especially for that prices. Really like that
  10. That frame looks really nice!
  11. That has to be the sexiest bike i have every seen. It looks so clean without brakes.
  12. Zoo Lynx I like both of the frames, but i like the Zoo a little bit more. They just look so nice.
  13. I bought one of these and it seemed pretty good, rode it for about 3 months and nothing broke. But i never put a grind on it so i cant help you there. But yeah quite a good wheel for the price. Hope i have helped
  14. Good plan, but from what i have heard, the rockman freewheels aren't that good. I would go for the Tensile freehweel or Echo TR or Echo Sl, as i have only heard good things about them.
  15. That was just amazing.. loved it
  16. That would look soo nice. Im not too keen on the bend in the frame, but i still think that looks nice
  17. That is BARE nice. Shame your brake setup is the wrong way round
  18. In my opinion the red hubs with the green just make it look a but...messy. But i still love it, its amazing!
  19. If money is not a problem, then buy a new 24" because they are a good all round bike for street/bmxx/trials. Im thinking about getting the 2010 Zoot, but its gonna take be along time to get the money.
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