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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. Too right, was hard enough explaining to my missus how normal trials worked, this was impossible cause I had no idea!
  2. And in 5 years when you're doing this for a living and earning a mint remember us lads on here who believed in you!!!
  3. If it was Jack Burnicle he's a legend!
  4. 5pm Eurosport 2 tonight there's Trials World Championship scheduled so would assume its that
  5. Well all I can say is the new format they went with was a bit of a joke. Made it all far too complicated. Still a good night though and glad they showed dannys video at least, and I got to have a word with him when he was in the crowd after his interview.
  6. Good luck with the build mate, and can't give you enough respect for having a go at (almost) making your own frame. Can't knock him too much guys, s'pose its more about the experience of doing it than will it work. In 5-10 years could be one of the top frame builders out there, everyone gotta start somewhere. On another note, i bet it snaps within a few hours, but if it does the next one won't!
  7. Anyone know who is doing the half time show yet? Just hoping it don't snow anymore round here now before the weekend or its gonna be a bitch gettin there!
  8. Had a go at me for comin up to say hi at a trial, thought it was a bit harsh cause I was only young at the time!
  9. Shame about the other Martin, met him at a trial years ago an was a right knob with me! Was my hero at the time as well!
  10. Got an old Heavy Tools Trials frame. Got it when I was bout 18 (a long time ago now) but stopped riding shortly after so is in mint condition so not worth replacing. Same as this frame
  11. Not lookin good at the mo, checked my old maggys last night and they're lookin knackered so had to order a new one for the back so will have to wait till that comes before I can measure a gap for the rear rim. Prob gonna have to shave a bit off the brake blocks to squeeze a 40mm in but will have to wait and see!
  12. I'll agree! I'll also agree. Will sort it tomorrow.
  13. Not just a case of rethinking a build gotta come up with the money for it aswell and see what rims will fit in my frame. I just thought it a bit harsh to call me names for asking a question, Jake Beach wrote email them with a thumbs up which is a fair enough comment, why can't everyone be sound like that?
  14. Looks like there's still some left but I could be wrong! have a try on here Sheffield Arena Trials
  15. When I'm at home I'm not at work but if someone asked me for a price to fit a window or a door I wouldn't tell them to f**k off an ask me on a Monday. If it's a case of "I don't know till I'm at work" thats a fair enough comment but no need for comments like that Slight difference there madman. Just don't think there's need to start name callin an stuff. It's not primary school.
  16. No need for that Was gonna order my new wheels tomorrow but if they ain't gettin them in stock I can replan what build I want and order them tomorrow rather than fanny about makin phone calls an emails. May not be tarty-forum.co.uk but seems to be unfriendly-forum.co.uk!
  17. Just thought I'd try on here as on computer at work an can't access email and I know some of the guys frequent here is all.
  18. I'll delete my post for fear of upsetting someone
  19. Can't wait, me and the wife are goin. Got front row seats aswell, superb!!
  20. Right need more recomendations now for the rims, lookin at using either echo urbans or TR's depending on what will fit. Gotta nip down ma dads after work an have a measure up but was wondering; If I can fit an urban on the rear should I go for that or the smaller TR? Whats the main difference between the 2 as they're priced the same? Could I use a 37mm TR on the rear if I can't get a 40mm in as I used to ride with 30 odd mm Sunn BFR's?
  21. Might have to be the onza now as I've dug my rear maggy out of the garage from when I cleaned it up an the aluminium's gone all cruddy an horrible, so something else to add to the build list now!
  22. Yeah signaller, and before you ask I have no interest in trains whatsoever, just very well paid for doin nothin! Love it!
  23. Anyone use or used them? Just wondering as I'll be ordering my front and rear wheel builds tomorrow and as I want a fixed 6 speed rear I'll have to go with the onza anyway but I don't know whether to have a matching onza on the front or go for an Echo TR?? Opinions??
  24. What a glorious sunny Sunday morning. After braving the icey roads I'm now sat in my signal box doin absolutely nothing! Not only is it the quietest day of the week anyway, all my points are frozen up so no trains running through here in a hurry. May as well have a browse on tarty and plan my new wheel build for ordering tomorrow!
  25. isitafox


    Nah railway signaller, easiest money in the world! On 250% today to let 1 train out of the quarry, hard times!!
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