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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. Superb, looking forward to seeing the designs!
  2. Just wondered if anyones had or used a GMP frame before? Im thinking of building up a mod as a second bike instead of the heavy tools and spotted one of these cheap so wondered if its worth getting as a starting point.
  3. Sadly can't use WMM with these cameras as they record in .MOV format and if you use WMM you don't get any sound on your movies, even if you overlay some music! Shame as well cause although its basic it does do a pretty good job!
  4. Sent my designs, look VERY basic but should hopefully give you an idea. By the way, hows the bike coming on??
  5. Will get a design done on my laptop this mornin as the work computers pants an get it emailed to you. Be very basic but should give you an idea of the look!
  6. What you think of the camera then mate? Quality aren't they for the size! What editing program do you use for the vid? I got Sony Vegas the other day but well can't get my head round any of it yet!!
  7. The same could be said for someone who is wearing a helmet but breaks their back and is paralysed for life. Just cause they're wearing a helmet doesn't justify me paying for them to live.
  8. Can you not stick a few more spacers under it or is the steerer tube already cut on the forks? Other than that you'll just have to find some bars with a big rise to make up the difference.
  9. Hope so, wanna get into up to fronts an stuff like that as never had owt like that when I rode years ago!
  10. Dying to get mine fixed up, really intrigued to see if and how my riding will improve going from an old heavy tools which is almost a 15" frame to a Zenith!
  11. Nah its alright cheers mate, there's an industry standard to what colours you can have powder coated so I've gotta pick out from them! Pain really but it be reet!
  12. Hopefully have mine goin in for powdercoating next week, doubt I can get it but would love it to be Honda Supersonic Blue!
  13. Yeah he used to have a bike shop near here but ended up closing down, got unlucky with a few things like a cut and shut ferrari, so is just selling all the old stock on ebay now. My cousin still uses one of those on his Azonic DS1 and I almost bought one the other week to be honest, don't think there's much difference in weight between this an the trialtech although its worth considering if you snap your bars can you get some standard size ones easily? If not it may be worth spending the extra and getting the trialtech and some oversize bars, at least you'd have the peace of mind which I did!
  14. Always a 2nd hand front disc for sale on here matey and if not check ebay. Usually go for about £20-£35 from what I've seen. As for the rear I've always used maggies so would advise the same!
  15. I think for things like road cyclists they should be compulsory as those guys can reach some pretty high speeds, my cousins husband took a corner too fast last weekend and crashed into a wall, think he was doing about 30 and ended up breaking a lot of bones but it could have been a lot worse. As for other forms of cycling, trials, downhill, cross country, I think it should be down to the rider themselves as they'll know their own limits on a bike and what they're gonna push themselves to do. If your just going down the odd main road to get between trails I dont think it need be compulsory, common sense should be used here.
  16. Not Mark Anthonys by any chance is it?? Just so you know if its the one I'm thinking of it doesn't take the current standard oversize bars so you'd have to source some older style ones.
  17. I'll deffo take a booster and maybe a bashring as well, working on the designs as we speak and I'll get some emailed over to you! EDIT: Been trying to design some on paint an its terrible so will leave it in your hands! After a booster with DiddyB routed out of it if possible? You'll probably have to see what would look better out of routed or just recessed lettering and the fonts your choice! Also a bashring like the tartys design one but instead of holes cut out again have D I D D Y B going round it? Also interested in the spacers or washers as well but I can get hold of the bolts.
  18. Nice one matey, just gotta wait for mech hanger to come in stock at tartys an I can get one ordered!
  19. A rock song thats a bit stop and start, AC\DC - Back In Black, job done!
  20. isitafox

    Super Bargain!

    Is much better with a tripod, robbed my sister in laws for it the other day and works a treat but may buy one of them ones with the bendy legs for balancing on walls and stuff!
  21. What kind of genre/length/tempo you looking for??
  22. Problem I had was once I'd screwed one side in, the axle stuck so far out on the other side that it bottomed out the inside of the tool before I got the locking cup screwed up tightly! Was fuming when I sheared the teeth off!!
  23. Just a quick one for you, anyone know the bottom bracket size on a zenith? Mines gettin fixed at the moment so I can't get hold to measure it but thought I may as well get one ordered now so its ready to go straight in when it comes back. Also, any idea if you can get replacement cups as I've taken all the teeth off the try all one in my heavy tools tightening it. If it'll fit the zona I can get it out but wont go back without new cups!
  24. Buxtons best for me, had a walk round the park the other week and there's loads of potential
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