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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. Franks chucked in a set of Zoo low rise bars with it that he was trying to sell so guess they'll be going on, got 2 pairs now! Did consider getting the frame painted to cover the scratches on it but not 100% yet what to do, will have to wait and see what kind of condition its in up close. Cheers for all the input guys!
  2. Must admit, I always thought single speed was daft until I rebuilt my bike after christmas and thought I'd give it a try, mainly to save money and hassle of setting up, and I can honestly say I'd never go back to gears. Just feels really nice and gives you a bit of confidence that its 1 less thing to go wrong!
  3. Oh yes, still waiting for my Zenith to come back from the welders as well so I can get that in for powder coating an get some pics up. Will be having our 2nd kid in November so gotta get all this done before he/she comes along and money becomes tight!
  4. Think he meant do they come as standard on the bike brand new
  5. Thats a cracking deal (excuse the pun!) that really shows the quality of the service. I'll look towards some Onza components for building my mod up just on the off chance something dies if there's a chance said piece can be replaced at a discount! (was gonna use onza hubs already!)
  6. Will be a completely different kind of riding style whichever you choose, probably best to have a go on each before you decide. Might be a nice change for you to ride 26 but then again you might hate how the bike feels and be more comfortable on a 20.
  7. Prob go with snail cams and a bashring then, got a custom one coming from alex dark so may stick that on. As for the colour scheme thats why I'm after the sticker design as I'm hoping to get them printed out in either blue or red instead of green and get matching rims, reservoir cover, etc.. Can't wait to get it built up, was planning on doing it on a budget but that always goes out the window, credit card will have melted by the time I'm finished!
  8. I've just bought a 07 Python frame off Franksx2005 to be built up as a 2nd bike, don't know wether its short or long but not really arsed as its only for messing around on really. The thing is I know NOTHING about mods whatsoever so I may be looking for some advice, got a basic idea of how I'm gonna build it up an what colour scheme I'm aiming for but still have a few questions! I take it these frames take a 19" rear wheel? Do they have or can they accomodate a bashplate? What form of chain tensioning do they use? Only asking now as I can't wait for it to arrive this week cause I'm so excited, only ever had a 5 minute go on a mod an that was a megamo in about 1997! 1 final thing, I've done a search for this but can't find what I'm after, has anyone got a copy of the sticker sets stored on their computer so I can get a mate to knock me some up to go with the colour scheme?? Thanks in advance peeps!
  9. Best bet is get some pics of you're bike up so we can see what you're working with! And welcome!!
  10. That is very nice! Think I'm gonna get me a mod for a 2nd ride built up!
  11. Think my Heavy Tools will be up for sale in a few weeks as got a zona getting sorted that all my stuffs gonna get swapped over to
  12. Think I finished school in 99, spent every day on the bike on exam leave an didn't revise for anything. Not cause I didn't care but just couldn't be arsed an knew I'd pass anyway You just can't turn down an opportunity like 3 months riding, 8 hours almost everyday!
  13. How did you get on with these? Did you manage to get them made up??
  14. Mine rattles when you shake it but never had a problem.
  15. Have you tried Trials UK?
  16. Thats a shame as there's some really nice looking kit on there!
  17. I was gonna come and bring the missus, but I've got a stag do in July to pay for and the missus is 4 months pregnant so probably won't appreciate sleeping in a tent by then!
  18. May be worth giving tartys a ring to see if they can get hold of them seperate to the frames or if they've got some that people who bought the frame didn't want. You may get lucky!
  19. I was told by Adam from tarty bikes that the SL doesn't have any grease in, it's only lightly oiled inside so I wouldn't worry too much about greasing the bearings. A bit of thin oil should do the trick with it!
  20. Showed the original Danny vid to my mum the other day and found out I delivered a washing machine or fridge to his Aunts house on the island where my mum lives! Wish I'd known sooner, would have had a word when I met him at Sheffield in January!
  21. You should be fine with some p bones mate, they used to be the top forks to use years ago. If they're cheap enough I'd definately recommend them.
  22. Was lookin at the 20" really. As I'm gettin this zenith fixed an sprayed up the heavy tool will be made reduntant, was gonna rebuild it with oldskool bits as a 2nd ride but thought I'd get a mod instead an try an sell the heavy tools frame.
  23. Yeah thats the one, there was a 20" and 26" frame on ebay for £20 each but thought I'd give it a miss in the end. It was very ugly and I scoured the net trying to find something out about them but couldn't find a thing so thought they'd be not very good!
  24. Sent you my money matey! Will pm you my details.
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