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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. If she says no then you'll just have to put up with a good old spit roast! High 5's over a sweaty back??!!
  2. Spice girls?? Have I gone back in time to 1998?? Great vid by the way, some disgustingly sick moves in there. Just made me wonder how the hell he got on those canopies and posts in the first place?!
  3. One other thing, have you ordered the tensile bashring to go with it?
  4. Yeah that'll work, I'd advise a 15t for the rear
  5. No selling in new members chat buddy, read the guidelines!
  6. Which cranks exactly have you gone for?
  7. Will give that a try either tonight or tomorrow when I finish work, cheers!
  8. Will have to try it with a few pallets stacked up then as I reckon 1 on its own will be too low
  9. Right its almost time for our towns annual fancy dress 3 legged pub crawl and I need to think of a costume! Won best costume for the last 2 years and wanna at least look good again if not win it but I'm stumped about what to wear this time so anyone got any suggestions. Bear in mind that it's gotta be for pref 2 or 4 people, be homemade (looks better that way) and be able to walk 3 legged (although we blagged it last year!) and original. Oh yeah, tasteful as well! Every year we get smurfs, mario bros, army, police, etc, etc.. Here's our last 2 efforts, what you reckon?? Legion of doom 2 years ago Cool runnings last year complete with homemade sled and quality 1 piece lycra swimsuits
  10. I've been practicing my gaps to front but I'm really struggling with the technique of it. Been trying between 2 pallets so as not to kill my wheel, I backhop upto the edge and when I go to jump i preload, give the pedal a kick and jump forward (as if doing a normal gap to rear wheel) but then as soon as I put my weight forward to get over the front wheel it just drops down. Should I be waiting till the front wheel is over where I want to land before shifting my weight or am I going about the whole thing wrong?? Determined to figure this out as gaps and up to fronts are the things that are really holding back my riding at the moment, there'd be so much more stuff I could ride near my house if I can get them nailed!
  11. Must depend on what browser you're using then cause I'm on crappy windows nt server at work
  12. In that case I don't know what to suggest. I've got it set to trialsforum v3.1 at the moment and its not showing up but whenever I switch back to cleancut its there!
  13. Can't wait to see this from the screenshots you put up but I'm stuck at work for 8 hours now and can't watch videos!!
  14. Simple, change the forum skin to cleancut v3.1 at the bottom and the option to sign out shows below your username
  15. Shouldn't that be pre-potions??!!
  16. Right just have to see who else fancies it, anyone??
  17. I'll probably drive as I'm only half an hour away but could possibly meet at station or give you directions.
  18. Superb, will edit the post accordingly!
  19. This is true, I've got a cam that records in HD and my laptop hates it as it's a few years old and not hd compatible. Why not try converting the video from HD down to a smaller resolution, other than that I think it'll be an upgrade in computer thats required!
  20. Taches are well cool!! I'll be growing a tache later this year again for charity, don't whether to do tacheback in September or Mowvember (can probably guess when that is!)
  21. Anyone fancy a bod around in Matlock quarry this thursday, friday or saturday??
  22. Just sold my heavy tools trials frame on ebay for a measly £10.50!!

    1. dirt jumper jake

      dirt jumper jake

      Better than not selling it :P

    2. isitafox


      Well thats the thing, would have only gathered dust in the cupboard!

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