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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. If your unsure bout the yellows or you don't like them I'll take em off your hands!!
  2. It is more moto than cycle but its not a bad read. The guy who started it has always been a moto trials rider and I think he's trying to appeal to the younger market who also ride cycle trials aswell. No harm in getting a copy and seeing what you think, its always worth having a read and then sending them some feedback, they may get more cycle trials in if they know the markets there!
  3. If he's gonna buy the one on it off you then why not!
  4. How good are you on your back wheel? Can you backhop on the spot for as long as you need to get setup right or are you more of a hop forward onto the edge of something and then gap off the end? If its the former then your better getting settled on the back wheel before you start trying to master big gaps so you can get comfortable and sort your preload out.
  5. Just one called Trial Magazine which is 50/50 moto and cyclo trials. http://www.trialmag.net/
  6. Nice little vid with some good gaps in there, highlights for me were the old couple watching you and when you hop onto the back of the bench and off again as it looks like the wood is about to snap!
  7. Some good gaps after only 9 months but if I were you I'd practise getting your balance when your backhopping. If you can get steady on the back wheel you'll be able to gap further as you'll be able to preload easier, as it is it looks like once you start hopping you can't stop going forward hence the fall at the start.
  8. Good video there mate and some good editing. Looks like some good riding spots where you are as well!
  9. Think I'll look into some new pads, just need to conjure up some cash!
  10. Both my frames flex on the zenith and python when I use my rear brake yet they are both cnc'd to supposedly do away with the need for a booster so would one make a difference on either? The bite on the python is already superb which I put down to the pads but the zenith is a little ropey and I wondered if a booster would solve this or should I try some pads first? And if I got a booster on the python as well would it make any difference to how it performs? I'm running a 05 HS33 on each, magura koolstops on the zenith which have always been pretty good for me in the past and some unrecognisable yellow pads on the python if that helps?
  11. Most thieves tend to travel in from far away to nick something so don't be so sure!
  12. We do a modified version of this which involves no downing drinks, just purely looking a tit. Get a pack of condoms, preferably dodgy flourescent ones or summat, and proceed to stick them on your mates shoulder and see how long it takes them to realise. We spent half the night in tiger tiger with my mate having one on his shoulder, everyone was wanting a pic with him but he couldn't figure out why! Instead of drinking games I ended up dressing my mate up in a one piece swimsuit with some goggles and a snorkle with a funnel on the end which was used for downing pints, was well hard to dunk a full pint but had a proper laugh trying. Was especially funny when one lad who everyone loves to wind up put it on to down his bottle and everyones eyes lit up, not sure how many drinks we got in there but it was a fair few, lager, cider, g and t, etc.....
  13. Aye good luck Ali, take it you won't be too busy to still be popping on here?!
  14. And what about cranks and front chainring?
  15. What is your current drivetrain setup including rear hub?
  16. What gave it away? Yeah, the finest job in the world mate!!!
  17. York races and loving it, won £55 so far. Tonight in Leeds will be a blowout! Look out for a lad in 1 piece swimsuit. 1st person to find me an mention trials forum gets a pint!

    1. trials owns

      trials owns

      i mentioned it but u was so pissed, wheres my drink?

  18. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

    1. dann2707


      I'm riding Leeds tomorrow with Harry and Jake (probably more but i'm not sure who). might see you around depending on what time you start drinking :P

    2. Theo


      i might come and do some chainless riding

  19. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

  20. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

  21. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

  22. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

  23. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

  24. Almost in Leeds, 5 cans down an lots to go! Anyone out on the lash tomorrow??

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