I'm sure a few of you on here know of Trial Magazine and probably also know that it doesn't really contain much bike trials in. The thing is, I know the boss who started the mag up and he's asked me to ring him regarding getting more stuff in there to interest us lowly non petrol propelled riders so before I speak to him I just want to see what would make you interested enough to buy the mag?
I initially thought the basics like new products, results and pictures from comps, rider profiles, etc, but thats just me. I want to see what everyone would like to read, hopefully I'll be able to convince him to give cycle trials a bigger share which will be good for us as it's a magazine worth buying to read and good for him as it might improve his sales.
This is also partially aimed at people like tartybikes and heatsink pads as whilst most of us know of them it may still help them out with a bit of exposure if they got involved.
Like I said before, I've got to speak to the boss first and for all I know nothing may come of this but its worth a try, let me know what you think!