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Everything posted by isitafox

  1. Right seen as Christmas is fast approaching I'm looking toward what I'm gonna purchase framewise. However, seeing as I currently ride modstock I'll need a new rear wheelbuild to go with said frame so I may get this bought in advance, I'm just not sure what to go for. My previous build was a full Echo TR wheel which going off tartybikes listings comes up at 1013g plus the spokes, I'm looking toward shaving some weight off my next build so would like to try something a bit lighter but that will still take some hammer and fit a frame with cams. Anyone got any suggestions for a lightish setup? I'll be running a grind as well if that makes any difference!
  2. This is the truth, we used it years ago as there was no other option really. I have yellows on both my bikes with a smooth rim on my mod and light grind on my stock and both work great!
  3. Would love to bring the laptop in and have a play myself as I've got all the time in the world but this is classed as a safety critical job there's a ban on LOADS of stuff, not allowed to bring in or have turned on radios, phones, laptops, dvd players, tvs, etc, etc.... but most have a radio they chuck in the locker when people come to the box. They give us restricted acces to the net though to stop us sleeping on nights but not allowed near youtube, facebook and the like so it's not much of an incentive to be awake really. Hence the reason I'm on here for 7-8 hours most days!
  4. Railway signaller, scandalously good job for the wages to work ratio but if you don't bring something to do with you it can get boring, especially round here! I have got Blue and Silver in a box in the loft, got all of them on the Blue as well but as I left them for so long without playing the batteries are completely dead so you can't save the game. Tried a while ago but no luck, and I can't justify buying a DS as I used to have one and a PSP but sold both cause I never used them!!
  5. Should be yeah, don't see why not.
  6. Absolutely LOVE that road!! And when it joins onto the A85
  7. Well if it isn't already obvious I've started this thread because I'm B-O-R-E-D! Having an unbelievably steady job like this is sometimes a godsend but other times a right pain in the arse! The last few hours have dragged like mad in here, mainly cause last week on nights I brought bike stuff in to play with whereas today I have nothing. Due to this other than putting a £40 order in at Tartybikes which probably wasn't necessary I've managed to eat almost a full pack of digestives, 4 massive pieces of flapjack, an apple, 2 tins of tommy soup with a tin of tuna mixed in and 4 plain burgers. Also managed a shoulder and bicep session with my dumbells and watched GET2 again on my phone, roll on 10pm!!
  8. Beg, borrow or steal. Well, maybe not borrow!
  9. If your after the 2010 Zhi have you thought of using www.trialparts.net?? Been on their site and they take paypal and are based in Europe which is always a good start, if it's the 2010 Z3R 26" its 165 Euros.
  10. Full Zoot Pro build http://www.rocknrollbikes.com/trials/complete/onza-zoot-pro-24-wheel-complete-cycle.html#Brakes=Onza%20Elite%20Hydraulic%20Disc
  11. Only works out to about £225 a week before tax though, be alright for someone living with parents or someone just after part time work
  12. I bought a pair of them for my trials bike just after they were released at Bike99!
  13. And what if it's already bled with water and you want to run oil again??
  14. Stuck as in you've pulled the lever and it doesn't return?? I'd have thought undo the fitting for the hose and push a small allen key or something similar through the hole to push it back out, spring could be knackered though they can be replaced. Seeing as some people suggest boiling the water before bleeding can you bleed water already mixed with anti freeze?? Dads a mechanic at a bus company so they've got barrels of the stuff but I'm sure it's already mixed, could be wrong though! And if you've got a previous bleed with oil whats the best way to flush it out ready for anti freeze, and vice versa??
  15. Couldn't tell you sorry, have you tried emailing Steve to ask the man himself?? EDIT: Just emailed him myself to find out!
  16. Can I ask why you want these pics?? I'll get some of mine up tomorrow.
  17. Yup thats the ones, get in the for sale section though, there's a few maguras for sale at the moment for about £30!
  18. Trackstanding and general balance when travelling really slowly are really important as your balance is the thing you'll use the most. After that it's getting into backhopping and using that to progress to different skills like sidehops, if you can get hold of a copy of this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Tricks-Stunts-Vol-1-DVD/dp/B000683VSO it'll help as it did me when I was starting up.
  19. Nice vid, although the kids play area looked like it was gonna fall to bits when you got on top of it!
  20. Very nice Frank, but how longs it gonna last??!!
  21. isitafox


    I'm the same, will give the visualising trick a go though. Big drops get me, usually can feel myself physically shaking when I'm looking over the edge of something or if I'm on a high wall. Think it's the deepseated fear of imminent pain taking over!
  22. Nah, did use the app originally but it was identical to the standard web interface so I sacked it off and just went straight on the net as was loads quicker.
  23. Couldn't on mine, unless you put the proper address in for it or went via the full site.
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