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About Nic84echo

  • Birthday 09/30/1984

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  • County (UK Only)
    County Down
  • Real Name
    Nic Cowan
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Gu Typhoon!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials, XC, fast cars, wine and Quavers.
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Nic84echo's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. Not too keen on the black look, had considered stripping them back to silver though. I think that would look ace.
  2. Hey peeps, a few shots of my new Gu. Let me know what you think, good or bad! Spec is: Gu Typhoon '06 frame short (Rhys ) Koxx Forxx & Modded Tryall wheelset (courtesy of Nathan Marks, cheers again bud!) Monty Eagle Claws all round Echo TR rear brake Magura HS33 front Echo Urban cranks WI eno V8's Trialtech sport forged stem Zoo! bars Trialtch foam grips Trialtech grip stop thingys The scales read bang on 9kg. Not too sure on how accurate that is, the thing looks like a tank, but doesn't feel it.
  3. This, by a long shot.... Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  4. Lol! I care about how much my bike weighs. I do what I can to keep the weight down. But I don't think it makes you a better rider, that's just down to practice.
  5. I swear by a rear Cagle claw, it's just a good springy tyre that doesn't cost too much, lasts a good while and doesn't weigh a ton! Not so impressed by the one I'm running up front at the moment though. I think the general consensus of eagle claw rear, tryall sticky front is the way to go.
  6. If you have no clue about wheel building it might be best to have a shop put it together for you, but if you're competent with your own tools why not have a look at the wheel build topic on the wiki and this page http://www.sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html and give it a bash yourself. From experience, it's not as hard as it looks or sounds, and you can take pride in having built up your wheels yourself
  7. I'm not entirely sure here, so don't quote me, but I thought the main ingredient of screenwash was isopropyl alcohol, in which case I wouldn't have thought it's very good for the seals.
  8. Wow, I see this thread went downhill quickly.... Fishfingerdude, you at least seem to know something about the subject. I'm not sure if the law is different here (my profile says Down because I have just moved back to NI, but I worked in Aberdeenshire until very recently) in Scotland, I have to admit that whilst I keep several air rifles, for field sports (hunter field target, rarely pest control) and an air pistol, for 10m range shooting, I no longer hold a firearms licence myself. I'm not the gamekeeper, and I no longer shoot at a club, so I have no need to, and if you have no need to, in my opinion, you shouldn't have one. All my airguns are simply set at the legal limit, should I wish to compete again. You're more than likely right about it being hard to get a licence if you have no need for one, I simply meant that if you do have a legitimate reason for owning a rifle, it's a better option than an airgun, which on the whole is not a humane manner of dealing with live quarry. But from experience, learning to shoot properly is a worthwhile experience, should you have any interest in hunting or target shooting. And it's come in handy for me, working on the Estate gave me the opportunity to shoot game and to go stalking. As I said, I keep airguns for sport now. And they are great fun when used responsibly. I've missed most of this topic now, it's all been edited, but from what I did see, mention of a legally overpowered pistol and some claim about shooting a sheep.... Wow, I'm not sure what to think now. There's a good reason that the law has changed so much in recent years regarding use of air rifles and firearms in general, and it's because of people like that. You're the people that are ruining the reputation of responsible gun owners. And giving shooting sports a bad name. I'm actually pretty sad having seen this, I was pretty enthused having seen someone on here wanting advice on the sport, but it's unvieled a bunch of people who clearly know very little, are irresponsible, and has generally backed up the legislative changes of recent years that until now I thought to be unreasonable. To the guy who initially asked the question (I apologise, I've forgotten your name); if you want advice on this subject i suggest you contact one of the sane people who have commented thus far (Brisa and Fishfingerer seem to fall into that category, again apologies to the few others who have offered genuine advice), but more importantly I'd advise you speak to a representative at your local rifle club. They will be happy to help you make an informed decision on purchasing a rifle and give you professional advice on its use. I've had a quick look online and this is the first oen that came up based in Suffolk (that's where your profile says you're from right?) http://www.hadleighrifleclub.co.uk/hrc2geninf.htm . This thread ought to be closed now.
  9. Maybe it's just me and my untrained eye, but I'd swear it just looks like a long (is that a lower bb too?) version of the limey 320. I actually really like it. It looks good in white too.
  10. You have very little to worry about by way of regulations on commercially available air rifles in this country, over the counter you can only buy rifles set below the legal power limit, and there are no regulations on how, or where, you store them. When you transport it you're meant to keep the gun bag/case locked, and your ammo seperate. I work on a rural Estate and keep several guns. Mainly for pest control. But some for target shooting. For £200 your choices are a little slim. You could pick up a decent spring powered rifle for that. The classic break barrel single shot ones. But I'd budget a 1/3 of that again for a scope. And a decent scope does make a big difference. I'd say a better bet is a second hand pcp (pre charged pneumatic), which is recharged from a compressed air canister, like a divers bottle, but again you may be pushing that a little on the budget. Don't, whatever you do, buy one thats run off co2 bottles, they're terrible. A springer is better than that by a long shot, and is pretty much maintenance free too. As for calibre. The .22's are pretty standard for pest control, a .22, due to its larger size packs more of a punch for actually killing things. .177 does indeed travel faster through the air. This makes it more use for compettion target shooting. If you intend to use it for mainly pest control I would recommend the .22. They still make fun target shooters. Esecially if you can get a full power one (watch out for cheap chinese ones that claim to be 12lb/ft, they dont often manage more than 8). Someone said something about silencers. They're better known by anyone serious about this stuff as noise suppressors, they dont do what you see in the movies when used with an air rifle, you need to remember it only supresses the muzzle noise. Since the vast majority of noise created by a spring powered rifle is from the spring, they make little difference on these. They make a massive difference on any of the air powered variants. On a rimfire rifle, they lower the noise level to a loud crack, rather than a bang (if you know what I mean), none of those james bond swooshing noises haha I have to say though (like someone else has here already), if you're in the middle of nowhere, and you genuinely intend to use it for pest control, but want to learn to do some target shooting too, get a firearms licence. .22 rimfires are the most underated rifle of all. Perfect for close distance pest control, and great fun for target practice. And they're great for honing your skills for when it comes to more powerful guns, should you want to go hunting at any point (ie stalking or whatever......again, I know this first hand as I work on a gaming Estate). Getting a licence is easy, but you will need a gun cabinet, and somewhere seperate to store your ammunition. They're also pretty cheap as far as real guns go, and so is the ammo. If you need some specific recommendations on make or whatever feel free to give me a buzz. Air rifles can be loads of fun, I'm sure you'll enjoy whatever you decide to get.
  11. You've said it all mate, it's never too late. I started riding again at the beginning of the year, after an 8 year break (I'm 25 now). Feels better than it ever did, and I'm more inspired to progress than I ever was before.
  12. Looks awesome dude, I wish mine was that tidy!!!
  13. That was ace! Looked sore lying face down in the snow after falling off that barrier. Very ballsy in the ice!
  14. I'll hold you to that when I call next week to order one haha
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