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Olly C

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Everything posted by Olly C

  1. You hardly found that tree its right next to the skatepark, I've done that exact thing loads of times, too slow Jonny too slow.
  2. haha so so true, it may even be just one small rock (Y)
  3. Yea Cambridge is 8 miles, the train takes 5 mins, the station is like 2 mins away :D Nevermind if your about again drop me a PM. Olly
  4. haha Joe looks like he pissed that front wheel swap (Y) Is it me or do my feet look huuge! :D Deffo get some more footage next time Julien, make a decent 3 min video or something :P
  5. Stapleford is next to the trainstation in shelford and thats where I go to, £2.10 return, I go through stapleford on my way from sawston you should of asked me and I'd of met you and rode in with you :)
  6. Thats the pics where I was sidehopping my un-natrual way :D" Look at my face, no effort at all (Y)
  7. Best bit of the day - Julien and his "logs" (Y)
  8. Ride was mint, Best ride I've had in ages (Y) Everyone there was great to talk to and put in a good effort whatever level rider they were. So happy the ride turned out that well, it was the perfect mix of riders really and rode till quite late on in the afternoon still trying stuff. Great to meet new faces and faces I've wanted to meet for ages off here :P Thanks to everyone for making the trip down hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Olly.
  9. My trains from the other way :P You'll just have to listen out for the purr of a golden profile at the station :D That'll be me.
  10. I've got your number added, It would appear I could be on the same train as you mines destined for an 11.12 arrival aswell. So hopefully everyone can meet at the station around 11:15-ish outside then all gather at the skatepark up until 12:30 or something hopefully everyone will have gotten there by then. Cya there people, Olly
  11. Right my Trials Bikes pretty much sorted now, Got my Profile all fixed up, new KHE Collapse chain on, New V12 pedals on, but my rear magura is being a right ass one of the pads doesn't retract hardley at all and the seal in my lever doesn't like to return much either, but its rideable for now so im very much still riding. I may take my small phone so 07773 440 820 is me. Olly
  12. It started to dry up and get hot this afternoon, The weather forecast for tomorrow bright sun! 19 degrees :P I really want to fit my new BMX bars and ride around on that tonite but I really should fit up my trials brake for tomorrow :P
  13. hey im a skatepark fan too, going there tomorrow on my bmx infact (Y)
  14. not when I take over the park, BMX's Skaters and Boarders all back down to the Pow3r!!111one It's really nice and neat a few trials things to do on it too.
  15. I want a go on your team, I'd like to get a team next time round, I'd probably go for long because its short that the Python and has shorter stays so t should be eaiser all round for street stuff. The Python is wank for street though, yea you can do it but I wouldn't trust a 12ft bunnyhop gap to manual on a Python like I would with my T-Pro or T-bone, gone are those days... Now I have to static it :- Ride the short, if it feels ok go with it if it feels cramped go for long. Olly
  16. LMAO alrite Julien steady now, that picture looks CRAZY! I think we should maybe meet at the station I love the station wall and this green box for little taps, we can see if any of station road is rideable on a saturday (doubtful) then move onto the skatepark. Joe - Its not great but likely hood we will stay there for hours :D Olly.
  17. Yes but he put 2R2 which = nothing, he has now sneakily edited his post to make me look like a loon though (Y)
  18. Just thought I'd let you know.. The Replacement model is 6802-2RS And the bearings you bought were the cheaper Chinese bearings incomparrason to the Japanese ones reccomened (Y) Profile and SMB are the same price with those ones :-
  19. Monty Riser Mod Bars - Saved many a mod riders wrist from the awful and pretty much only option that was nasty nasty "flat" bars. Profile Racing Mini BMX Cassette Hubs - Saved many a mod riders front teeth after freewheel snaps and cracks left them lying on the floor bleeding from the nose/teeth or general face area with a seriously swollen and bruised knee.
  20. Steve Heatsink has a nice map somewhere if you ask him? Are you coming steve? Julien you better be up for sidehopping parkside box to both wheels without a footdown this time :P and none of this pussy front touching twat the wheel real hard :D P.S. Sunday is a better time to ride cambridge BUT some people can only make it saturday this time so we'll be riding saturday for sure and maybe sunday if others are looking to ride aswell.
  21. ...and I go to fit a new chain and utterly destory my profile driver bearings :wink2: I've got money though so should hopefully be able to get some somewhere fast?
  22. Im in boys!!! *CONFIRMED* Unless of course my bike gets fecked then... well Im not :wink2:
  23. Yea im off this week, but its raining hard today, Im covering for a guy I hope can cover me next saturday tomorrow. But I had a pretty harsh KMC Kool split link snap yesterday and smashed my knee up and put some rather large stone holes in my hand (Y) I could ride friday or saturday or sunday maybe. Olly
  24. sorted then, cheer geez
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