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Olly C

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About Olly C

  • Birthday 01/29/1986

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    Olly Capes
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired Arcade
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Trials Riding, Travelling, Video Games and Football
  • Location
    Cambridge, UK

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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. I know it somewhat breaks the Senior Member code these days but yes, I'm still riding I never really "quit" riding, I've always loved it but travelling and work got in the way along with a 9 month layoff through injury, after that both were both in need of repair and its just taken me a while to get round to it.
  2. Finally got round to fixing up both of my bikes so they are running nicely now, here are the pics.. Inspired Fourplay Mk.1 Echo Pure SL
  3. Also wouldn't allow me to put my attachment uploaded pictures into the post either, had to switch over to Chrome again..
  4. Fun video, I liked the red slide part too What bar and stem are you running and how many stackers?
  5. *Senior Member in owning a trials bike and still riding shocker!* Over the past few months I've been thinking about selling this and trying an Inspired Hex or something instead but for now I've stuck with it and pimped it up a little instead Recent additions being a new KMC Z610 HX chain, Da Bomb Tactic 3" Riser bars, Clarks Vice Lock-On Grips and Wellgo MG1 Pedals. I've also swapped out my black 2005 HS33 and fitted a nice silver 2004 version instead as I much prefer them I can list the spec up if anyone is interested but you should be able work out most of it from the pics..
  6. This is the only website I have a problem with, CTRL + C and V work fine on every website and I can paste into word and such just not in forum posts or even messages on here.. I use IE as I dont really like change, I've had Firefox and Chrome before and didnt like them, websites like Facebook and such seem to be in a slightly different font/size than normal and it annoys my eyes
  7. I've noticed for a while now I'm unable to copy and paste anything on Trials-Forum, also when I click "Quote" to reply to a specific persons post in a thread my message box will remain blank. I'm running IE 10/11 and switching to Chrome makes everything work as it should so I can paste website links and use the quote/reply buttons just fine. Any ideas how to fix this problem in IE? I tried "Restore Advanced Settings" in case somehow I turned off the ability to do so, but everything works ok on other websites its just this one I have the problem with..
  8. I've got it Along with nearly 600 other retro videos from back in the day! I heard a song the other day and was like I remember that from an old Phil Williams Echo video, had a look for it this morning and managed to find it - circa 2003 Edit: Seems I also have the DVD of Hibernation which I believe was the full video: Edit 2: Uploaded the trailer to YouTube.. Olly.
  9. I'll have a check as to how many stackers I have under the stem, there is a link in my signature with photos of my setup too.. Okay so I have about 27mm of stackers under my stem and the total height of the stackers plus the stem comes to about 65mm then the top cap sits on top of that.
  10. Fairly amateurish thread here but.. How many of you are riding the Arcade Riser's and on what sort of setup are you riding them? I myself have a 2011 Fourplay with Inspired Team forks (full build version so cut down more than stand alone) and run a 110x35 stem with Inspired High Risers. When I first got the bike I felt like I couldn't manual or bunny hop how I felt I should of been able to, I switched around a few stems including the recommended 90x35 and they all felt too cramped or not great to bunny hop/manual with, after a while I settled with my current 110x35 stem and found a fairly nice bar angle to go with it using the Inspired High Riser bars, but after all this time I am still left feeling like the bike is holding me back rather than making all this street style riding easier. I'm wanting to know from people who have switched to the Arcade Risers from the Inspired High Rise bars whether they made big difference? Also what stem/full setup you use them with? I used to be able to manual my streety setup T-Pro for as long as I liked and bunny hop out of the manual up benches and into another manual again without much trouble, I could also hop up to manual on tyre width grind rails at a local skate park so when I picked up the Fourplay I assumed I'd be able to do similar stuff as its kind of what its built for, but if I was to try the manual to manual up the bench I'd either lose the manual before the bench, fail the hop up and hit my front wheel causing insta-death or make both but have no chance of getting the manual on top of the bench. It's got to the point where I am tempted to sell the Fourplay and maybe try the Hex to see if that would be any different or just rebuild my mod to its street past setup.. Will these bars be worth the upgrade to try and sort my problem do you think? Cheers Olly.
  11. Dude!! We need to start organising some rides more often, James and I are both up for riding, we could have some mini group rides now the weather has improved Nice video, I haven't really rode many of the spots in the video so its a refreshing change to see other spots in Cambridge.
  12. This one? I also found these record related photos in my old trials folders on the PC:
  13. Cheers dude Ahh ok, well I've given both my sets a good few rides each now and they seems to be holding up to what I put them up to, like you say maybe it was just a manufacturing defect.. Pretty cool ride the other day, got my first puncture in about 3 years on my Fourplay (unrepairable hole in the tube and no spare tubes) nipped back home and got the Pure SL out which I hadnt rode properly in months due to trying to get used to the Fourplay first and I had a great ride! Did some really big stuff (for me) and tech stuff so it ended up being kind of a blessing
  14. Haha! Yes indeed, people love it and always ask how I did it, I very rarely ride the mod these days though, its not really properly set up but I'm sure if I gave it a service and some TLC it'd still hold its own, used to love riding it Hmm that doesn't inspire confidence, how did yours come? Mine came all boxed up with stickers and such from Wellgo, obviously that sort of stuff can be faked too but they look part all in all..
  15. I picked up some Wellgo MG-1's for the Pure SL and Fourplay in a pretty good deal on eBay (£25 per pair) and they are looking and feeling nice Also the 110x35 System Ex Stem I purchased for the Fourplay is really working for me and my riding is now seemingly improving weekly as I get more and more used to it, just today though I decided to roll the bars a tiny bit more forward (few mm) to get me a little more room when on the back wheel for Trialsy moves (marked the previous bar position just incase it got worse) but it seems to have improved both aspects of riding as it feels almost too easy to bunnyhop now and yet also feels better on the back wheel too! Really want to sort the front disk out on the Pure SL as its pretty pants and it would help massively on the sort of riding I do on that bike, tried new pads and cleaning the rotor and such to no avail.. For now though I'm having fun in the sun on the Fourplay
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