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Sam T

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Sam T last won the day on October 14 2011

Sam T had the most liked content!

About Sam T

  • Birthday 12/04/1994

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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    Ozonys Curve babyy!
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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Sam T's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Get a grip of yourself I enjoyed it myself.
  2. I live in Dunstable, few of us still ride MK
  3. Just because i know how much you lot love love this type of modding
  4. 230psi from our work compressor got mine out Dan! Almost took my head off though haha
  5. Thinking of selling all my bikes :(

    1. James281098


      Why would you do such a thing? :o

      Have you had a head injury haha

    2. eddbmxdude


      That's gunna be expensive when you come back to trials.

  6. I'd come but everyone will hate my car :'(
  7. Get a grip for f**k sake
  8. Love my polo Its changed a bit recently..
  9. How hard would it be to strip apart one of my coil overs and shorten the shock inside? It's on airbags and the shock bottoms out really early which means it doesn't go as low as id like it to? The company i bought the system from will do the whole lot for £120, but being a mechanic id rather try myself! Has anyone serviced shocks or anything of the sort before?
  10. Don't quite understand any of that mate but thanks
  11. I'll message you mate ill probably get it ripped out me on here haha.
  12. Okay this might make more sense WOMENS BRAINS WORK IN A WIERD WAY
  13. Thats from a healed pierced ear. So going straight to a 2mm shouldn't be a problem?
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